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The Philosophic Spirit Of Chinese Traditional Figure

Posted on:2008-10-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L TongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360218459937Subject:Art and Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the history of designing as a special discipline in China is short, the Chinese designers have to derive the mature design culture from US , European and Japan. The design works are always foreign-tasting. When the idea "the nationality is the world" was generally accepted by the designers, the traditional national sign was used broadly.The sign is just the external imagery , its"root" lies in the cultural tradition of nationality. The western modern design and western arts were always continued the tradition. Ranging from Two Rivers culture to ancient Greek, the ancient Roman culture, to European Renaissance, all the immortal artistic works have vigorous historical culture inside.Therefore, only the artistic design which rooted in the national spirit has vitality to grow increasingly. Otherwise, it would disappear soon. The purpose of this paper is focusing on the spiritual essence of the traditional figure sign through the exploring the Chinese traditional philosophic spirit which is the source of design. I hope that this paper may contribute for the designers who zealous for national tradition and the local design.
Keywords/Search Tags:tradition, figure, philosophy
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