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The Study Of Lvkun's Thought Of Qi

Posted on:2008-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360218457868Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the mid and late stage of the Ming Dynasty, Neo-Confucianism of Chengï¹ Zhu had declined and Xin's philosophy of Luï¹ Wang was waning step by step with the deteriorating condition increasingly of social contradiction. However, Qi's theory and Shi's thought what based on the Qi's theory were developing on and on. LvKun's thought of Qi had been produced in the historical background, and it not only had inheritance's mark, but also had effection of Qi's theory, so LvKun embodied tendency of reforming and developing many theories.LvKun's thought of Qi embodied mainly theory of Liï¹ Qi's unification, and the theory was mainly made up of three contents: Firstly, LvKun argued that Qi was ancestor for everything in the theory of cosmos, everything in the world was only made up of Qi, and he believed that cosmos and everything in the cosmos were result of which YuanQi(Material Force)had moved and changed on and on, thus it had produced the world and everything in the world; Secondly, In the relationship of Liï¹ Qi, LvKun developed ZhuXi's theory of Liï¹ Qi and inherited theories of Liï¹ Qi's unification of Qi's theory in the times. He argued Li was belonging and regularity, Li belonged to Qi, Li and Qi connected firmly and they could not be devided; Thirdly, LvKun's human nature's theory based on his theory of Liï¹ Qi. Theory of Liï¹ Qi and human nature had been unified by LvKun, and he believed human nature's source was Qi, Li and Qi formed the nature of"YiLi"and making, but they both also were unified, and human being's nature embodied both friendly and evil, so we only changed making of human being, we could find our human nature of friendly at last. Then, basing on his Qi's theory and according to his object of JingShiZhiYong, LvKun emphasized unification of"The intrinsic training"and"The extrinsic work". Aim of Ti("The intrinsic training")was Yong("The extrinsic work"), thus the thought proved that his theory had character of Shi's thought and emphasized aspect of"The extrinsic work".LvKun's thought of Qi inherited and developed not only Nes-Confucianism of Chengï¹ Zhu but also Qi's theory, he would insist that"It was of great importance that one had own gains with study". However, he not only could not secede influence of Chengï¹ Zhu but also could not accept solely the Qi's thought, so his theory acted tendency of compromise. Possibly, owing to the reason, LvKun's thought of Qi had problem of confusion on account of reforming and developing many theories. So his theory conflicted from beginning to end altogether and could not keep agreement. It was the reason that his Qi's theory had some theory's shortage and his historical status of Qi's thought did not extend in the Chinese history of Qi's theories.
Keywords/Search Tags:LvKun, Qi, Li, Xing, JingShiZhiYong
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