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On Constructive Deviation In The Historical Narrative Fiction Of Alexandre Dumas

Posted on:2008-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215983176Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Alexandre Dumas is one of the best popular historical novelists in the field of romanticism literature. Dumas leads the historical narrative fiction to the field of the people and make it have the most important status in the history of the development of France fiction. His technique on production and narration still affects the detective story and suspenseful fiction.It is the remarkable feature of Dumas's historical fiction that adding the daring fabrication and imagination to the true historical event and figure. In his historical narrative fiction, the aim of the history is no longer true and objective. The single aim is entertainment, so making the history be popular is his most principal accomplishment. His special productive idea is different from the historiography aim which is to reappear history truly and objective. So Dumas in the history of France literature is not lofty, although he has more readers than other writers in the same time. Dumas has produce lots of important fictions. All of these fictions embody his productive idea. This paper researches from the status of Dumas in the history of France literature and the relations between literature and history. Using the theory of new historicism, this paper probes the history and the deviation of its main body constructed by Dumas. In this century which screen is full of historical fiction and film, finding the reason that why the historical narrative fiction produced by Dumas is so popular by readers while criticized by reviewers is still a important theme.Basing on analyzing the history constructed by Dumas in his historical narrative fiction, using the theory of narratology together with text-oriented approach, this paper expounds the narrative strategy in Dumas's fictional text to find out the phenomenon of deviation.This thesis consists of six part. The introductory part give a brief introduction about Dumas's literary contribution and the present research on him home and abroad, focusing on his special idea of history. The first chapter is devote to Dumas's idea of history and his feature of fiction. The second chapter analyzes the constructive deviation when Dumas construct his history in his fictional text using the hero. The third chapter expound the dramatic trend which means the deviation from the method of the fictional narrative strategy. It can give different experience to the reader. The forth chapter focuses on expounding the production of the historical literature and film in China nowadays from the Dumas's constructive deviation in his fictional text. The concluding chapter is given the viewpoint that the deviation embodies in Dumas's fictional text is the reason of the contradictory situation between the reader and the status in the history of France literature.This thesis is an improvement the usual analysis of Dumas's historical idea and it gives an overall comprehension of his historical narrative fictions. This perspective is a new understanding in the field of China's systematic research on Dumas's fiction and it enable us to interpret the essence of his works more effectively.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dumas, historical construction, deviation, hero, dramatic trendy
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