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Comparison The Aesthetism Style

Posted on:2008-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z R YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215953659Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Tianhan (1898-1968) is a Chinese poet, dramatist with many famous works for readers home and abroad.Guqi(1886-1965) Whereas,is a Japanese writer especial in novel producing field. Guqi had acquired profound sinology from his childhood. Two writers had been affiliated with each other intimately, and the contact is really sincere. Tianhan had been studied abroad in Japan from 1916 to 1921, massively read Gu Qi's works and deeply influenced by his aestheticism thought. Meanwhile,he had widely read the western theories of literature and the aestheticism literature works. The two authors are not only intimate friends, but also their work styles have simultaneously manifested transformation from the beginning to the end.This essay will try to find the difference of aestheticism between Tianhan and Guqi through comparing drama"The deadth of artist"with short novel story"Biography of Chunqin"."The deadth of artist"is the representative dramatic work of Tianhan's many works in his early time,created in 1927. It comprises three subdivision plays. The script begins with Xiao Yulan and Zuobaokui's dialogue,It has drawn out the relations between Liu Fengxian and Liu Zhensheng. Liu Fengxian and the famous artist Liu Zhensheng are the relations of foster child and foster father. Through Zuobaokui and Xiao Yulan's dialogue, we are convinced of that liu zhensheng is an artist who is loyal and utter devotion to the drama art field. We also understand Liu Fengxian is idleness with artistic training.So she had betrayed his master in maximal extent.and she had degenerated by daddling with baddie old person Mr.Yang. At the bitter end, the play planned a conflict among evil force Mr.Yang,and justice force Liu Zhensheng and the girl Liu Fengxian, driving the story to the climax segment.The story finished with the artist Liu zhensheng falling down on the stage and tending towards to deadth. Structure of the script is compact,and the atmosphere of the drama is sad, solemn and stirring .It gives us chilly beauty and decadent feeling by displaying the helplessness of art in front of political matter and reality. It represents profound sympathy to impoverished and lower level life entertainer.Guqi had created"Biography of Chunqin"in 1933.It is the presentative short story of Guqi's metaphase writing career.It embodid that Guqi had emphasized particularly on function perception to superficial pretty. The style of writing implied the transformation from the beginning bloodiness to the later period of Japan classicality and the Eastern national characteristic.The story had beginned with the novel narrator"I"who had passed by the temple street to pay a formal visit to Chunqin's grave which is the dramatis personae of the play book .There was an assistant material which was named after"the Memoirist of Chunqin"at the author's hand to the novel.This pamphlet was presumed to be the hero Zuozhu's work which was composed by three years later after Chunqin going out of this world.Then the author has written the fascinating love story between the blind female master Chunqin and the servant and prentice Zuozhu .It reflected the hero's indulging in enjoying abnormality to the master and admirer Chunqin which was very beautiful and charming but very self-indulgent .It also reflected that the hero Zuozhu had a profound spoony and clinging amativeness to his sweet heart Chunqin .For the sake of preserving the beauty of Chunqin,the hero can't help taking upon himself to puncture his two eyes. Ultimately Zuozhu and Chunqin had been got along very well with each other.After Chunqin dead,the so-called husband Zuozhu had been alone till meeting with his death . This novel contains the author's perceptual beautiful supreme viewpoint and the true-love for the girl.Both the writings of Tianhan and Guqi had portrayed typical characters who had emphasized particularly on the art but not reality.They all nourished esthetical ideality for the future and for the literature.The typical character in"the Deadth of artist"is Liu zhenzheng,and the typical character in"Biography of Chunqin"is the hero Zuozhu.The two works styles are"the art for art's sake"and the aestheticism conception's expression. At the same time,"the Death of artist"had more attended in reflecting the pathos-decadence-aestheticism and the connotation of the realism-attention about the humanitarianism, however ,"Biography of Chunqin"had more attended in the spoony between Zuozhu and his master. In the face of the inclement true-life,they were inclined not to protagonist but to nihility .This paper will present three different aspects about the aestheticism between this two books.First of all: unscrambling and annotation for destiny——catch sight of Guqi through Tianhan. Tianhan and GuQi were good friends,and impressed each other based upon their intercommunion. Tianhan's books in his prophase reflected the influence by the aestheticism of GuQi and Western poet,artist such as Oscar Wilde,Walter Horafio Pater and so on. In 1926 and 1927 they had twice meetings in Shanghai and in Japan.Furthermore,Tianhan had translated"Between the God and the Human"into Chinese and given a long piece of preliminary remarks to it in 1934 ,which was wirten by GuQi.The Second: The annotation of love and beauty——Humanitarianism and Nihilism behind the pure art.The characters of Liu zhensheng in"The death of artist"and Zuozhu in"Biography of Chunqin"are the believers of"art for art's sake". Nevertheless,there are some different annotations between Tianhan and Guqi especially in these two books"The death of artist"and"Biography of Chunqin".The Third: Perceptional beauty and intrapsychic beauty about female depiction.This paper will present three aspects about the characterization of women in these two books.One is the inbeing and appearance beauty of women,Other is the extremeness of spirit and body, and the third is the death for love. The characterization of women in"The death of artist"are famous based upon their inbeing-beauty, and their love reflected the fight to carrion ideology. The characterization of woman in"Biography of Chunqin"is famous for her appearance beauty. The beauty is the only thing they have, their love can not beyond the carrion ideology, and their lives are out of reality.Through comparison between"the Death of artist"and"Biography of Chunqin",we conclude that the former is the flower blooming in the tree which is the reality plus aestheticism,and the later is the baby enwrapped in the swaddle.So both are inclined to fade away for their friability.We should pursue a balance state between the reality and the pure art in our lives.
Keywords/Search Tags:Comparison
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