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The Ethic Trend And The Realistic Consideration Of Utility And Justness

Posted on:2008-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
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Teleology and deontology are two important theories, which typically reflect the value tropism of the life and the criterion pattern. Benthamism and equity principle, as the base of the two kinds of theories, are two kind of opposite things, which can no exist in the same thing. In the history of ethnics, the two theories exist separately, and every theory enjoyed their own splendor .in different times. Benthamism came from England. The founder of Marxism admired the theory and said that this theory of modern Benthamism philosopher, Jeremy Bentham and Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, especially Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, are the pure proletarian fortune. Benthamism acclimate the changing society, which reflects the meaning of"the most people's most blessedness is the real blessedness."They believe that experience of single standard can be separated into happiness and distress, and whether the result of behavior can aggrandize the feeling of happiness is the most important factor of the standard. Modern Benthamism, which absorbs the reasonable element from deontology, tells us the difference from behavior utility and rule utility. They put deontology in rule utility, which achieve the unity of utility and morality. Equity comes from deontology or deontology ethnics. In cist, equity is considered to be the most important moral character. In the history of ethnics, deontology of Kantian put equity into a kind volition and the only morality is to establish the interactive and together main body relationship. He consider human as the aim and everyone establish his own rule. The contemporary era deontology representation of deontology is John Rawls, who defines his own justice is"the justice for equity", and advocate that the power should be prior to interests. And he focuses on the equity of the society. In the lay of philosophy, justice belongs to human, and it means that it's a good relationship of human. So justice is the exam of the style of existing of human and rationality of the society.In the evolvement of two theories, they sometime conflict and amalgamate time and time again. In a rational society, both theories can exists. This is the combination of long-term value and short-term value. In the condition of developing our socialism market economy, we should combine the separated utility and equity in history together: Seen from the society, utility and equity is the key relationship of manufacture and distribute. It is the ruler and the impetus of development of the society. Utility is the base of the equity and equity is a good accommodation of utility. In our country, we draw the principia: efficiency is the most important; equity is the second from our own realism. We convert utility and equity into efficiency and fair, and only in this way can we benefit the socialism market economy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Consideration
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