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On The Analysis Of The Chinese Study Philosophy In Yan's Family Precept

Posted on:2008-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215952210Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yan's Family Precept is one of Yan Zhitui's comparatively mature works using plain style to narrate his own profound teaching methods in the hope of incubating the offspring with the traditional ethics and moralities and the Confucian culture with an attempt to function as what the XuZhi advocates:"one believes what his kin say rather than a stranger and follows the order of whoever he respects". Although Yan had never stepped in education activity for all his lifetime, his teaching philosophy had and has positive and far-reaching impact then and now. The Chinese study methods implied in his book Yan's Family Precept are of great significance in current Chinese teaching. This thesis attempts to refine, summarize, classify and sort out the Chinese study methods that fill Yan's book so as to present Yan's study methods in a systematic way.a. The Essence and Purpose of Chinese StudyYan Zhitui believes that Chinese study is an activity that enlightens and cultivates the learners and enables them to fit in with their time; while at the same time it also intends to nurture the learner into a man who is himself descent and"has settled down with a family, manages the country and contribute to the world peace". Yan emphasizes the great importance of Chinese education in developing one's personal ethnical moralities and patriotic spirits, so he regards the subjective of Chinese study as tampering such talents who not only"moralizes himself"but also"preaches his doctrine for the good of the world". It is also his conviction that Chinese study enhances one's ability and increases one's knowledge, thus tempering one's moral principles and urging one to contribute, which is obviously quite practical and makes it different from quite a few his contemporary scholars. b. The Subject, Content and Process of Chinese StudyThe majority of scholar- officials in Southern Dynasties were arrogant about their high rank but actually were very wanting in knowledge. Yan Zhitui, in the interest of the scholars and feudal landlords laid great stress on the necessity of Chinese study and advocated the Five Classics as the rudimentary textbooks. In ancient china, the Five Classics were highly appreciated in scholarly education as both the basis for living and behaving and the fountain of work writing. Yan's family Precept discusses in great detail the ideology proposed by Confucius that one should study arts if morally noble and that"all writings originates from the Five Classics with the imperial decrees stemming from The Book of History; the narratives and argumentative from The Book of Changes; the singings and prose poems from The Book of Songs; the sacrifices and elegies from The Book of Rites and the admonitions and mottos from The Spring and Autumn Annals."Yan is highly conversant with writing, exegesis and rhyme and rhythm and stresses the study of linguistics. Of course, no knowledge can be acquired in one move and all take certain time period as is illustrated in Mianxue: learning, like planting which proceeds"from spring flowers to autumn fruits follows a procedure of literary talent to moral integrity". Knowledge acquisition can be divided into the following 3 closely interrelated phases: observation, cognition and practice.c. Attitudes Towards and Methods of Chinese StudyYan Zhitui, as the renowned scholar and educator in Northern and Southern Dynasties was quite familiar with the study state of the scholar- officials, so he was able to put up with some objective suggestion on the Chinese study then. He thought that one should above all things adopt a correct attitude to study with the learner himself the subject of learning. The efficiency of one's study is dependent upon his degree of diligence rather than the instruction from the instructors. He emphasized as well that one should not be arrogant and conceited and assume a studied attitude. As to the methods of study, he thinks highly of"eye study", which means the combination of the direct and indirect experiences. Learners should be far- sighted and open minded but not parochial, which does not necessarily mean that one should not try to learn everything and be satisfied with a smattering of knowledge but instead one should blend the broad learning with the specialized one. Yan also put great value on independent thinking and mutual discussion as in MianXue:"it is obvious and rational that learning needs mutual discussion and inspiration. It is commonly seen that the isolated arrogant learner tend to make the most blunders in public". Learning is not a matter of age. The antenatal training as well as the aged passion for learning all shows the philosophy that one live and learn.d. Philosophy on Chinese Study for the Children at Early AgeThe childhood instruction theory is a major component in Yan's teaching philosophy as in MianXue:"it is easy for an infant to concentrate himself and as well easy for an adult to get distracted, so educators should seize the opportunity to instruct the young". As in MuXian also:"the young do not have fixed ideas about things. Once they get intimate with their friends, they will at least resemble their talking and behavior if not imitate". Teenager is an important period in one's development during which it is hard to correct fixed habits, good or bad. Therefore, both parents and children should adopt proper methods to educate the young, trying to treat every member equally without discrimination and be kind and loving as well. Meanwhile, the elderly should know that environment affects the kids'development, as is manifested in the book MuXian:"living with the good is like living in a flowery room, after sometime you yourself become fragrant; while living with the evil is like in a abalone store, after a while you yourself go smelly".e. Influence of Current Chinese EducationYan's Family Precept is a milestone masterpiece which not only records the temporary history of education then but also sets forth many important basic theories on education. Based on his ample life experience and knowledge, Yan Zhitui makes a deep analysis on the study state of the scholar- officials in Southern and Northern Dynasties which of course contains beneficial points for the Chinese study. The subject, attitude and methods of study that he put forward with do not only have a far- reaching influence on the past but also provide quite a few enlightenment and references. Therefore, the Chinese study philosophy in Yan's Family Precept should be give due emphasis and research in order to make contributions to the current theories about Chinese study.The publication of Yan's Family Precept creates a unique type of literature of ancient family instruction—the style of family precept. Influenced by the contemporary time, this book contains some parallel style, but it is no less plain and vivid. From ancient times to the present, a lot of scholars gives high opinion to Yan's Family Precept and Wang Sanpin once praised it as"the forefather for all family instruction". But like all other ancient literature, it is a combination of prime and scum as well. The teaching ideas in the book are a reflection of the then social reality. Some of his points of view and proposition are for the interests of the feudal class and to a certain extent are wrong. However, many opinions in the book are the rime fruits of Yan Zhitui's own experience in pursuit of education and are constructive and progressive, which still hold theoretical values and are worth our studying and imbibing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Philosophy
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