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Ecological Reportage In The View Of Ecological Culture

Posted on:2008-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215487027Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
By looking on the survey of ecological reportage's pring up and itsdefinition as the precondition of academic remark, this dissertationexplorates the value propositon of ecological reportage in the View ofecological culture. It is mainly from the culture connotation and aestheticfeature of ecological reportage, to attain and affirm its unique role in thefield of literature and in the contemporary society.This dissertation consists of five parts:The preface: It expounds the reason for the chioce of this theme, andits theoretical and practical significance.Chapter one: It explores the background of ecological reportage'spring up form mainly three factors : the fierce reality of ecological crisis,the awakening ecological awareness with free consciousness of authorsand the unique style of reportage. Besides, it provides an explicitdefinition of ecological reportage in order to determine the scope of thisresearch.Chapter two: it probes into the cultural connotations of ecologicalreportage. With the criticism of traditional towards economicdevelopment and the survey of modem consumerism, the author clearlyexpresses the thoughts of sustainable development, and from the analysisof advanced persons' figuration in works, the authors conveys their stronghope to the harmonious society.Chapter three: It analyzes the aesthetic features of ecologicalreportage, which mainfests itself in two aspects: one is the exploration oftime and space; the other is the crystallization of philosophic thinking andliterary expression. Then it delineats the authors' widening vision and theartistic way of their own. The epilogue: It summarizes the dual value orientation of ecologicalreportage, both for the development of reportage, eco-literature and theprogress of our society. And further more, it points out some challengesfaced by the current eco-reportage writing in order to offer reference forits maturity.
Keywords/Search Tags:ecological culture, ecological reportage, culture connotation, aesthetic feature
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