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The Construction Of Li Shaohong's Feminine Subject Consciousness

Posted on:2008-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H LiuFull Text:PDF
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With the integrating of the world's economy and culture and the wakening of the human's consciousness, the female, silent for thousands of years, begin to reflect on their existence. In the field of film-producing, which has been dominated by the male traditionally, the female's image was either weak, insulted in the old days; or the new type of female like Hua Mulan who overstepped the male power society, joining the society with the male's images, standards and manners; or appearing as an absolute object for Masculine sexual consumption. Obviously, the true "She" was not recognized. Since the new China was founded, the female directors experienced the process from being asexual to being aware of their gender as female and starting to examine themselves. The hard exploration in Chinese feminine film shows the female's struggle and breakout from being "invisible" to "visible". Li Shaohong, as a feminine director who knows well about the present actuality of the film and television,With her exquisitely gentle and beautifully feminine antenna, she deconstructs and subverts the male power system in a quite temperate way in her works, and describes the feminine, history and the human life in her own eyes. Along Li Shaohong's creating path, analyzing in her works the process: from wakening up to maturation to construction of the pioneer feminine subject consciousness, examining the style of setting the feminine as the narrator and the viewpoint from the New Historicism that presenting women out of men's visual angle, all these indicate Li's perseverance and steadfastness, her uniqueness, intellect and resilience as a woman, and her effort to disintegrate the status quo signed feminine code and release women from the conceptualized existence deprived of distinction and diversity. She paraphrases the society and history from a feminine viewpoint, constructs a text-form belonging to the feminine selves, which has laid the solid practical foundation for the construction of the feminism with Chinese characteristics. In the society, where the male dominate and the female are shaded while the slogans calling for the equality of the sexes are pervaded, Li Shaohong breaks out of the plight surrounded by both history and reality where the female have suffered ever since. She takes advantage of her gender, inquires into the feminine psychology, sends forth the tender but intense sound, which attracts the attention of the whole society to examine and reflect on the feminine, then themselves, and provides the theoretcial consideration about how to construct the new world of the ambisextrous harmony, freedom and equality. Her emergence is like an outstanding flower in the movie and TV art field, showing the female are rising from the history vacancy and becoming "the visible human being".
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Shaohong, Feminine viewpoint., Feminine subject consciousness
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