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Church Women's Education In Modern China (1840-1919)

Posted on:2008-04-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y PengFull Text:PDF
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Chinese women's plays an important part in the Modern History of China。It caused a significant change. In the Modern History of China. Christian education prompted the modern Chinese women's liberation. This paper briefly introduces Christian education of Chinese women. This paper is divided into four parts :First part : The reason of Christian education of women spring up in Modern China. After the Opium War, missionaries utilized prerogative to enter China. They want to realize to the"Chinese Outreach."They took advantage of missionary schools assimilation and education of young Chinese. The female missionaries promote to development of modern China school for girls .In the impetus for varies reasons, modern church to carry out the education of girls in full swing. In Modern China, a woman does not have any previous dynasty education summit.Second part: The Development of Modern China Church Women and the features. According to history scholars accustomed to the Christian education of girls in Modern China is divided into two stages. From the Opium War to 1960s, It is the first stage of the development of the Church Women: Church Women learn early stages of development, has the following characteristics: First, there are a few women to enroll to Christian school. Second, the missionaries used the board as the main means of recruiting students. Thirdly, the level of Christian education in the stage is very low. In this period, the quantity rather than quality of teaching is the education of girls. After the 1960s the 19th century is the second phase, the church girls expansion period, has the following characteristics: First, the increase of Church Women volume and the in levels of complete specifications. During this period, there is to be founded a number of prominent university for girls and women. Second, the enrollment target has moved towards a pretty daughter. The daughter who is rich, aristocratic single church has become increasingly evident. Third, the English class becomes more important in the school. In religious schools, learning English has become tempting hook "Hong bait." After two stages, the church has been fully established in China Women.Third part: The Church teaching of Women in Modern society Christian Education of Women in Modern China, in order to meet the needs of the women's missionary circles. Women's education is to nurture students to become church service personnel. To achieve this goal, the missionaries set up a few special courses for the girls. Church Women religion is the core of the curriculum. English and P.E. courses are opened by the missionaries. Missionaries that the church school is to train women to "place of worship" useful talents, but also to develop "a good wife and a good mother." Home economics courses have founded in the church school. It is worth mentioning is that the church school teachers and teacher-student relationships are different from the use of traditional Chinese education. In addition, the missionaries have also set up special education, through the education of girls with disabilities. so that the Chinese people can be aware of these girls education.Forth part: The society development of Women who teaching in Modern China Church. First, the modern Church Women run for the Chinese women's liberation. Second, to promote recognition of women's education and social concerns. With the development of the church schools, the education of girls has become a natural thing, More and more parents to send her into the church school. Third, the Church Women in Modern China, and promote the development of Chinese Women teaching. Fourth, the modern Church Women's offer to speed up the process of modernization of China's education. Modernization is a symbol of the advancement of women; especially Church schools make the Chinese women independent, self-improvement from a dependency on men, by their own liberation. Fifth, the church's pro-Western education for girls, to a certain extent, to implement enslaving women's education. Bible and English as the major subjects, in an attempt to increase the awareness of female students in the West.Conclusion: The Modern Church Women were eventually recovered from the establishment of the right to education, which lasted nearly a century. The church missionaries who founded the Women in Modern China, and set up a modern woman's special education and vocational education. Chinese women thousands of years to change the traditional acceptance of "a good wife and a good mother" education. Chinese woman go to the new school, which they opened up a narrow margin on the door to the world. Chinese women's roles from "a good wife and a good mother" to a member of the social changes in its 100-year history. Chinese women have begun to emerge in society, demonstrated their charm.
Keywords/Search Tags:(1840-1919)
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