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American Diplomatic Strategy And Effect (1919-1939)

Posted on:2008-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C B ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242459775Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis is aimed to analyze the U.S.foreign policies during the two World Wars and how it work on the world with the up to date international relation theories, so as to discuss how American's world supremacy was established.This thesis includes preface and three chapters. The abstract reads as follows:The Preface states the research purpose, relative research states and existing issues and the concept of international system.Chapter One analyze reasons why American could establish its supremacy with the point of world posture after the First World War. On the one hand, U.S. had been the first economy country in the world after Industrial Revolution in 19th century .Now what American seeks to is not merely the big economy country, but the world supremacy and colonies. On the other hand, the First World War resulted in some European great powers breakdown, such as Great Britain, France, Germany and so on. The pattern of European supremacy was over. Whereas it brought American nothing loss but advantages, because American is far away from the battlefield. All these provided favorable qualifications for the American's world supremacy.Chapter Two analyzes the measures which American carried out its world supremacy during two World Wars.The Treaty of Versailles was the first step for American to push its supremacy, which greatly empire Germany. But it didn't come true because of oppose of English and France. While at the same time, the Washington Conference convened on Jury 10th 1921, which discussed the situation of Far East and Pacific Ocean. American achieved equivalency thalassocracy with the Great Britain by the Five Power Naval Agreement, which finish English supremacy at seas. While the Nine Power Pact affirms the American's the Open Door Policy, which break up Japanese ambition of monopolizing China.At Latin American, president Roosevelt brings forward The Friendly Neighborhood Policy, which emphasizes any of American countries shouldn't intervene other countries in politics, while in Economy they should benefit each other.Chapter Three analyze the causes and results of Isolationalism ideology and Policy of Neutrality in American society in 1930s, which draws the conclusions that Isolationalism doesn't conflict with the American supremacy policy. To the contrary, it supply the American supremacy with ideology germ. All of the two just are for the maximum realization of American exterior interest.Then the author reaches the conclusion that Stratagem interest and requirement ultimately decides the foreign policy of one country; while foreign policy is just a instrument to realize its country's interest. Although sometimes foreign policy will have some variety and windage, it doesn't deviate from the bounds for country's interest.
Keywords/Search Tags:(1919-1939)
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