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Comprehensive Exposition On The Rationalistic Confucianists' Poems-writing In Song Dynasty

Posted on:2007-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M C XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360212968105Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the 80s of the 20th century, the academic circlesbegan to pay attention to the research of the poems written by the rationalistic Confucianists, and have made great breakthrough. The research area, however, has only been narrowed to the few master rationalistic Confucianists such as Shao Yong and Zhu Xi, lacking a deeper and further exploitation of concrete works. So in this paper, I analyze some poems of about fifty famous rationalistic Confucianists in Song Dynasty, and make some comments and evaluation on the basis of several categories in literature.The ideology and content of the poems written by the rationalistic Confucianists of Song Dynasty is wide ranging, mainly including: respecting and discussing Confucianism thought, making policy of benevolence and showing sympathy for the people, eulogizing and memorizing our history as well as its monuments, missing their relatives and d friends, describing the landscapes and travels. It takes up a large section of the paper to give a fully display of the whole picture how the rationalistic Confucianists in Song Dynasty made their poems. Readers may find that these poets had their extraordinary characters, and at the same time, they also had some similarities with ordinary poets.The rationalistic Confucianists in Song Dynasty had a obvious tendency of preferring Confucianism thought to literary on the attitude to the art and literature. But in making the poems, there were three relationships regarding the lirerary and Confucianism thought. One was Confucianism thought existing while literary grace lacking, another was Confucianism thought implied in literary, still another was no tract of Confucianism thought in literary works. As to their attitude to the emotion and reason, they paid more attention to the reason than to the emotion as a whole, but when dealing with the emotion and reason, the situation become complicated. There were mainly four kinds of relationships. One, the reason overpowered the emotion; Two, the temperament replaced the emotion; Three, ignore the emotion for the sake of reason; Four, ignore the reason for the sake of emotion. As for the relationship between meaning and its image, there were indeed many poems had meaning but lacked the image, but the poems whose meaning contained in or mixed together with their image were numerous.As to stressing Statements in poems-writing, the rationalistic Confucianists have the same trend with the poets of the main stream circle in Song Dynasty, and they sometimes showed their outstanding talent in...
Keywords/Search Tags:rationalistic Confucianists in Song Dynasty, poems-writing, ideas and contents, analyze, evaluate, influence
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