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Study On Government Impulse To Cultrual Contruct Of Songyuan-zone Setting Up Career

Posted on:2007-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Z GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360212459672Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On the recent Abstract to "impulse to culture" has been gradually introduced to the concept of practical work, after Zhejiang, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Jiangxi government to promote entrepreneurship culture, the impulse to culture is also in full swing in Jilin Province. Most of the impulse to culture and the exposition on the concept of impulse to culture, areas of the historical and cultural significance of its foundation on the government's role and its role in building impulse to culture exposition yet. And the enterprising culture is resolved, "the Northeast," a panacea. Songyuan as part of the old industrial bases in northeast China has been "Northeast" in a series of problems plaguing. "Small Farmer," "planned economy" in the "official rank of" outstanding issues, there are economic entities is not active, capacity, market culture incomplete, wealth, business outlook, values, concepts such as a serious lack of perspective and other issues.The full text is divided into four parts.Starting from the first part of the concept, definition of culture, business and entrepreneurship, impulse to culture specific geographical concept, from the perspective of a clear definition of the impulse to culture of impulse to culture and geographical awareness. Special impulse to culture is the core content of the core ideas and impulse to culture and the basic features elaborate. Songyuan impulse to culture of the area made good preparations. Meanwhile, the area also highlighted the value of impulse to culture. Only a profound understanding of local culture to the economic and social development of profound significance. Songyuan discussed regional impulse to culture that only true significance. The proposal of geographical impulse to culture of the...
Keywords/Search Tags:Songyuan-zone
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