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Mao Zedong Thought On Issues Concerning The Intellectuals During The Anti-Japanese War

Posted on:2007-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360212456735Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The intellectuals have great strength to further the social changes and social development. The issues concerning the intellectuals have a lot of things to do with the success of the Chinese revolution and construction.During the Anti-Japanese War, Mao Zedong attached great importance to the intellectuals. He analyzed the class property of the intellectuals and their political tendency with scientific sight. He put forward a series of suggestions on how to hold together with the intellectuals and developed an integral theory on the intellectual issues, which has a great historical significance on the developed Maxim. It is the prerequisite of the development of the careers of our CCP and also the prerequisite of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.As the age of the knowledge economy is coming, the intellectuals play a more and more important role. We must optimize the policy on the intellectuals.From the perspective of the dialectical materialism and historical materialism, this paper gives analyses and comments on the theoretical viewpoints of Mao Zedong on the issues concerning the intellectuals with a factual and realistic attitude. And meanwhile draw a lesson from it in order to optimize the present policy on the intellectuals, to arouse the enthusiasm of the intellectuals, and to provide the theoretical foundation that can put the intellectuals into fullplay in the socialist construction.The current paper includes four parts:â… .Mao Zedong's dissertation about the class property of the intellectuals and their function in the Chinese revolution during the Anti-Japanese War.â…¡.Mao Zedong's dissertation on the basic requisition for the intellectuals about how to fullplay their strength during the Anti-Japanese War.â…¢.Mao Zedong's dissertation on how to hold together with the intellectuals during the Anti-Japanese War.â…£.The theoretical meaning and enlightenment of Mao Zedong thought on the issues concerning the intellectuals during the Anti-Japanese War...
Keywords/Search Tags:Anti-Japanese War, Mao Zedong, Issues concerning the intellectuals
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