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Research Of Balance Development Between High-Tech And Ethic

Posted on:2007-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360185474610Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the 70's of 21 centuries, the humankind go into high-tech ages, taking information technique, the living creature technique as the representative of the third-time Industrial-Revolution, which impacts the mankind more profoundly and more directly than past. The current mankind enjoys more convenient and more prosperity than past. The high-tech has brought the human society much advantage and boom, and impacted the current human ethic violently. So, the high-tech and ethics is in incongruous state. How can the development of science and technology and the progress of social ethic keeps harmonious? If people deal with the problem worse, the state that the social ethic backing up and the science and technology progress may result in the human enormous losing. The mutual effect of science and technology and ethic is complex process, and solving their dynamic balance, it has became the whole human the important taskThis paper based on the era background, and put forward own standpoint. Firstly, the text analyzes conflict character of the high-tech and social ethic than the past: the influence more deeply, the larger scope, and the more direct performance. The essential relation of the high-tech and social ethic is inclusive and invert mutually, meanwhile, the paper carries on judgment for the high-science and technology and social ethic repulsive theory, irrespective theory and science and technology determinative theory etc. Secondly, the paper introduces the basic meanings of the balance theory, whose essence is opposite and uniform, and the relation of the high-tech and social ethic is also the dynamic balance, and show the trend of spiral rise. Simultaneity, the text bring forward the way of balanceable developing between the high-tech and social ethic: the high-tech social ethic obey the base line of social ethic, seeking unification with the ethic ideal. On the other hand, the social ethic must accord the science, times and relative stabilization. Finally, the text put forward a method to solve the collision from a multi-angled perspective. We can pass break with conventional ideal, strengthen responsibility, innovation scientific and technological ethic system and operating mechanism, stress on both hands to rule by law and the rule of virtue.
Keywords/Search Tags:High-Tech, Ethic, Balance, Opposite and Uniform
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