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To Create Black Woman's Utopia

Posted on:2007-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J NieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360185458191Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Alice Walker, the renewned black woman writer and'womanist', introduced her unique term,'womanism'to differentiate herself from'feminist'. This theory points out the way for black women to liberate themselves from the oppression and has aroused great interest in America.I.'Womanism': an innovation of'Feminism'Womanism, an innovation of Feminism, is brought out by Alice Walker while she was exploring the issues on African American woman. Walker define it on her preface to'In search of Our Mother's Gardens'as an ideal, for the existence, of all human beings, no matter male or female. We call it an innovation, because it especially conveys the existence wisdom of black women. Walker has stated that womanism to feminism is like purple to mauve in a continuous color zone. These two colors parallel to each other so it's hard to tell where mauve ends and where purple starts.II. Sufferings of black womenZora Neale Hurston, who called'literature aunt'by Alice Walker, described the social status of black women as mule in the world in Their Eyes Were Watching God. Black women beard heavy burden of society and family, and suffered double oppressions of racism and sexism. They have no dignity, happiness and future. These black women in their lives were full of suffering, poverty and oppression. They were regarded slave as male and society who ruined their spirit and body and showed their humiliation to the world day after day.
Keywords/Search Tags:Woman's
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