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The Pursuit In Thomas Hardy's Short Novels

Posted on:2007-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360182998265Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nature is Hardy′love for ever . He′good at finding the demon of nature, not onlybecause of the love for the scene, but also the show of heart and the agreement of soul.Through the harmony of the nature and human, Hardy expressed human′freedom andpursuit.Thomas Hardy considered the pursuit independently and deeply. It′s perpetual inhuman nature. Hardy explained the complex of humanity with the theory of instinct. At first, aperson pursued constantly in his life, he seldom felt satisfied except some short time. A personis always full of hope, the character is through all one′life. Secondly, the instinct of love anddeath is expressed vividly and deeply in Hardy′writing. The girls living on the far and quietland were full of instinct needs in the bottom of heart. The sexual passion surged strongly andtry its best to find the exit to let off. However, death appeared in the world of love, and thelove had no method to prevent the sudden coming of death. Then, Apollo is not rational ,either.It makes the people go to illusory. Dionysus has stronger illustration and spreads the energy oflife.The issue of contingency and mystery is a dazzling scene in Hardy′novels. Hetranslated it in a very modern way and challenged traditional life consciousness. Thecontingency shows the real live, because the live itself is changeable and we can not make itsure. At the same time, the contingency is a challenge to humanity. Mystery creats a limitlessarea for people to pursue what they want.In the last nineteenth century, psychological phenomenon and the predicament of one′live were paid more attention than before, The pursuit of Idea is the symbol lf Hardy′heartcourse.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hardy, short novel, pursuit, instinct
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