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A Study On Human Quality Education & Cultivation For Middle School Students

Posted on:2006-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H WanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360182467542Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Middle school students belong to a special group considering the characteristics that both the physiology and psychology are changing with each passing day. As a transitional period, puberty is filled with all sorts of conflicts and problems all the people have to face during the process of their growth, which will help them step into maturity and success if they are properly solved, or degradation and failure if not.With the progress of the times and the development of the society, the personality development of the middle school students reveals tendencies and features different from before. The article suggests that personality, similar to the term quality here, is a socialized unification of all the characteristics, involving the individual's content of physiology, psychology, culture, society, moral and aesthetics. Personality development refers to the dynamic process of the constant enriching and tending to stability of one's personality on the aspects of depth and width as they are aging. It also explains the meaning of the personality education of the middle school students and holds that the personality development of the contemporary middle school students feature purity and aptness to be shaped, compulsiveness and changefulness, worshipping and easiness to be attracted, flowing others and blindness, self-dependence and rebelling, discussing the reasons concerning the students themselves, their families, the schools, the society, and proposing the concrete aims, the basic content of the personality education of middle school students, pointing that the efforts of the family, the school and the society should be combined into joint forces to help the middle school students to go smoothly through the key period of their life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle school students, Personality development, Study
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