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On The Intrinsic Contradiction In Mu Dan's Poetics

Posted on:2006-04-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360182466169Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On the basis of Mu Dan's comments on poetics and poetizing, the paper reveals the intrinsic contradiction in Mu Dan's poetics, as well as analyzing and commenting on the causes and consequences of these contradictions, with a view to achieve a dialectic and comprehensive understanding of his poetics.For one thing, the theoretical source of his poetics was very complicated. In the process of applying the poetic tradition and poetics from home and abroad, his poetics bore the characteristics of contradicting and disorganizing, which resulted in the inconsistence of the style of his poems. The contradiction owed a lot to the cultural interaction and contradiction between China and western countries and to the poet's cultural anxiety.Moreover, during the Resistance War against Japan, his poetics adjusted distinctly from advocating the "wit" theory promoted by western modern poets like T ? S ? Eliot to confining of it, thus proposed the combination of the "wit" and "surge of flood " in poems. Besides, he called on attaching great importance to the role of inspiration and object of ideality, "to expressing one's emotion in a brand-new way", in order to claim for a new rational poetic point of view in a profound lyric pattern.As to his opinions on traditional culture, esp. the classic poems and verses, his contradicting idea was also overwhelming. On the one hand, he advocated referring to western poetics rather than Chinese classic poems and verses due to its lack in content, form and language; on the other hand, deeply influenced by Chinese classic culture and hard to get rid of it, he was ineluctably restricted by Chinese classic culture and finally regressed to the traditional mood of Chinese intellectuals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mu Dan, Poetics, Intrinsic Contradiction
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