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Conveyance Of Generalized Conversational Implicature And Particularized Conversational Implicature In E-C Proverb Translation

Posted on:2006-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360182466045Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis aims to analyze the conveyance of generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature in English to Chinese proverb translation. H. P. Grice referred a branch of conversational implicature-generalized conversational and particularized conversational implicature in his well-known works "Logic and Conversation" published in 1975. Generalized conversational implicature is the implicature normally carried by the use of a certain form of words, in the absence of special circumstances. And particularized conversational implicature is the implicature that arises with particular context.The Proverb, as the valuable unit of language and the reflection of individual culture, is the colloquial and pithy sentence that expresses wisdom and advices. Proverbs can be classified as two groups: popular proverbs and learned proverbs. Popular proverbs are the proverbs that transmitted through oral tradition; Learned Proverbs originate from literary works, e.g. religious scripture, literature.The thesis chiefly applies the theory of generalized and particularized conversational implicature on analyzing the process of E-C proverb translation. The subject of researching is the English proverbs with metaphor. Through the detailed analysis, the thesis divided the proverbs into three categories according to the difference in conveyance of implicatures: (1) After the literal translation of English proverbs, the translated proverb and the source proverb reach optimal equivalence within the same/similar context, and produce the same generalized conversational implicatures. (2) After the literal translation of English proverb, the translated proverb in the target context has been brought with particularized conversational implicature. The translator at this time chooses proper cultural replacement to change this particularized conversational implicature into generalized conversational implicature in the target context, which reaches equivalence with the generalized conversational implicature in the source context. Thus, the purpose of communication between the two sides is reached. (3) After the literal translation of English proverb, the translatedproverb in the target context has been brought with particularized conversational implicature. However, the translator chooses to hold this particularized conversational implicature. And this translated version is transmitted in Chinese, and finally is absorbed by Chinese culture, thus evolving into Chinese proverb.The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the process of translation through the angle of pragmatics and to research on the conveyance of generalized and particularized conversational implicature during translation on the basis of linguistics. Through the case study of E-C proverb translation, the thesis carries with analysis on details instead of simply talking about the equivalence on meaning. Linguistic analysis of the process of translation possesses the significance towards cross-cultural proverb translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:generalized conversational implicature, particularized conversational, implicature, proverb translation, context
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