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Analyzing Three Comitative Formulas In Modern Chinese

Posted on:2006-09-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L C WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360155970982Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
We analyze three comitative formulas in Modern Chinese such as"连 Vp1 带 Vp2, "又 Vp1 又 Vp2", "一边 Vp是, 一边 Vp2" in this paper. We get some new arguments and points through semantic analysis, comparative analysis, change analysis, pragmatic analysis.Firstly, in verb classification ,We have a discrimination among"连 Vp云港 带 Vp2", "又 Vp1 又 Vp2", "一边 Vp1, 一边Vp2" from the point of action producing and find that the verbs of "连…带…"and "又…又…" are actions not only from the sameorgans but also from the different organs. Whereas, the verbs of "一边…一边…" isactions only from the different organs.Secondly, The relations of actions in "连 Vp1 带 Vp2", "又 Vp1 又 Vp2" is different. The two actions should be have relevance in "连Vp1带 Vp2",but in "又 Vp1 又 Vp2", the meanings of two actions should be close.Thirdly, The meaning of "several actions occur at the same time" is a category, "several actions occur at one time point" and "several actions and behaviors occur in turn during a period time" is sub-category. This opinion will correct the current obscure standpoint "several actions happen at the same time".Fourthly, from the point of context, When speakers mean to objectively describetwo actions or behavior which happened at the same time, they chose "一连…一边…"."连…带…" often modified some kind of action, describing the state of the actions or the result of the actions. While, "又…又…" mostly exaggerate some kind of atmosphere(happy, angry, noisy and so on ) or "又…又…" can be used the grounds of argument to show one's opinions...
Keywords/Search Tags:comitative category, 连 Vp1 带 Vp2, 又 Vp1 又 Vp2, 一边 Vp1, 一边Vp2
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