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In Such A With-being World

Posted on:2006-06-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D JianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360155963600Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The relation with people, people and world has been a prolonged topic all the time, Countless scholars, sages have elucidated their own view in different fields. Heidegger analyses "Sein" in terms of the angle from surviving, and has proposed the "Mitsein". It is undoubtedly the most unique. This dissertation begins with the "Sein "and announces the basis and meaning of "Mitsein".This dissertation has four parts.First, it sums up the history of forgetting "Sein". Describe why Heidegger wanted to question "Sein", and How to distinguish the "being" and the "beings". What is the meaning of us? This part is mainly foreshadowing of the great background of a philosophy history, displayed the special style of his philosophy.In the second part, it analyses "Dasein" emphatically from the survive theory. Point out the characteristic , nature and structure of "Dasein". Discuss its priority position compared with other things.In the third part, the dissertation explains Heidegger's unique theory about world, Point out its nature of existing in such a world and always with the others together.In the fourth part, the dissertation analyses the "Mitsein'"s two kinds of basic types. Prove in it is possible that reach to "Good" under the "Mitsein". People should work hard with love and responsibility for the good order of the world.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Sein", the survive theory, world, "Mitsein", love
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