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Original Attempt Of Ontology Construction

Posted on:2006-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360155954460Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The theory about idea of Plato is the continuing and developing of thephilosophy before Socrates. The core problem of the theory about idea is howto connect the idea and the individual thing. In the mind of Plato, the idea iseverlasting ,but the individual thing is always changing. The existing of theindividual thing bases on the idea. The relationship between idea andindividual thing is the relationship between one and many. There is a problemthat what is the relationship between one and many at the beginning of thephilosophy. The form of the problem in the philosophy before Socrates is thatwhat is the beginning of the world. There are two kinds of beginning inearlier Greek philosophy, one is physical beginning and the other is spiritualbeginning. The water, the air, the limitless of the school of thought in Miletus,the fire of Heraclitus, the four elements of Empedocles, the seed ofAnaxagoras, etc. are physical beginnings; the number of Pythagoreans, thebeing of Parmenides etc. are spiritual beginnings. The material and spirit havenot been distinguished in earlier Greek philosophy, the number and the beingas the spiritual beginning still have the characteristics of materiality.The idea in Parmenides is close to the appearance of the category. Thephilosophy category is established finally by Aristotle. The beginnings ofearlier Greek philosophy are exactly the preparation to the appearance of thecategory. Plato inherited Socrates'methods of induction and definition in thefield of ethics directly, and Plato went a step further to change the definitioninto an absolute term and applied it to the whole world, and the idea as thebeginning of the world was established; on the other hand, Plato wasinfluenced by Heraclitus and thought that everything was changing, but thephenomenon world was not nothing as Parmenides had said. And the twokinds of worlds were established, and Plato tried to connected them, thetheories of Parmenides and Pythagoreans had an effect to Plato here. Thesharing theory of Plato inherited imitating theory of Pythagoreans exactly.The theory about idea of Plato can be divided into two stages, one isearlier stage in which Phaedo and Republic are the representation, the other islater stage in which Parmenides and Sophista are the beginnings. TheParmenides is the sign of Plato's theory about idea changing. In Parmenides,Plato had two kinds of tasks, he criticized his earlier theory about idea firstlyand set up a new theory about the idea at the same time. The core problem ofthe theory about the idea is how to connect idea and individual thing. Thetheory about idea of 'young Socrates'in the conversation is the earlier theoryabout idea of Plato, it has there characteristics, the first is the antithesisbetween idea and individual thing, the second is the separation between ideaand individual thing, the third is that individual thing shares idea.'Parmenides'proved that there were difficulties that could not be overcome inthe there characteristics of 'young Socrates''theory about idea one afteranother, so 'young Socrates''theory about idea is untenable. In the secondpart of the article, 'Parmenides'set up a new theory aboutidea—'multi--category'. The fundamental difference between'multi--category'and 'young Socrates''theory about idea is that the ideasconnect each other in 'multi--category'and separate each other in 'youngSocrates''theory about idea.There are eight groups of inferences in the second part of theconversation, the first and the second are the foundations of these eight groupsof inferences. The prerequisites of these two groups of inferences are both 'ifone is', they are the same in the form and different in essence contents. 'One'that is the representation of all ideas is the simplest idea. In the first group ofinferences, 'is'means nothing, in fact the prerequisite is 'if one is one ', themeaning is that if 'one'is isolated. The conclusion is that 'one'doesn'tconnect with extremely opposite or opposite idea, and 'one'can't exist in anyform in any form, so 'one'is nothing. If 'one'is isolated, 'one'is destroyedfinally. 'One'is the representation of all ideas, so the theory about idea isuntenable. In the second group, 'is'is a category, and makes up the simplest'category collective'with 'one'. The prerequisite is the connection between'one'and 'is', the conclusion is that 'one'is connected with extremelyopposite and opposite ideas, and 'one'exists in time. The purpose of Plato'stheory about idea is that phenomenon can be explained by idea, that is to saythat saving the phenomenon. There are extremely opposite natures inindividual things, how to explain the this with the theory about idea, 'youngSocrates'thinks that the extremely opposite ideas can not connect each other,which results on there pieces of difficulties that cannot be overcome. In thesecond part of the conversation, the eight groups prove positively andnegatively that only when ideas connect each other, the extremely oppositeideas connect each other, and the individual things have extremely oppositenatures.The theory about idea in the second part of the conversation is 'no matterin the whole system', individual thing is 'category collective'. So...
Keywords/Search Tags:Construction
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