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The Cultural Orientation And Significances Of Root-seeking Fiction

Posted on:2006-08-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360155476173Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The trend of root-seeking fiction has engendered in mid of 1980s is the only trend that not only has the theories but also the creative works. To a certain extent, it could be regarded as the extension and the deepening of reflection literature. It is not the fortuity to appear the trend of root-seeking fiction. It has the great historical background and the reasons that include the deepening of reflection in literature, the promotion of cultural regression consciousness, the awakening of literary sense of writers and the influence of literary global consciousness. With its aim at seeking the root of national culture, analyzing the psychological structure of national culture, rebuilding the soul of national culture, the root-seeking literature has engendered in the social cultural background.The emerging of root-seeking literature has concentrated on seeking the nationalization of the literature of new age. It has infiltrated and reflected the culture just as our national traditional culture that has handed down for thousand years. The nationalization is the important aim and method to resurrect national culture and enter the world in the cultural world of root-seeking writers. It' s also a kind of strategy to resist central doctrine and cultural hegemony of western culture. However, during the creation of fictions, the writers' cultural orientations are different. A-Cheng has tended to absorbing and applying the traditional philosophy and show the active power of national life along with the positive direction. HanShaogong is absorbed in the inertia of nationaltraditional culture and the trouble root of national spirit, revealing and criticizing the backward and conservative deep-rooted bad habits. JiaPingwa' s "ShangZhou" series have embodied the changing of old traditional conception when met the assault of modernism. LiHangyu' s "GeChuanJing" series have displayed the national culture' s fascination and detached free spirit. Although the methods to display are different, the aim is the same as to absorbing the quintessence and criticizing the dregs.As a trend of thought, root-seeking fiction has embodied the diversity of literary development obviously. Nowadays world which absorbs all kinds of national cultures has been "The Earth Country" gradually, the significances of literary nationalism and the cultural transmission are more outstanding than before. The root-seeking fiction has devoted great contributions when the great course that china' s literature are entering world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Root-Seeking Fiction, Cultural Orientation, significance
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