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Research On Walled City Distribution Of Shangjing Lu Of Jin Dynasty Within China's Border

Posted on:2006-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360155454467Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shangjing Lu Jin Dynasty within China's border almostcovers Elunchun Autonomous Banner, Hulunber'er City, InnerMongolia Autonomous Region, the mass of Heilongjiang Provinceand the middle and the east of Jilin Province. Under the reign ofShangjing Lu, Jin regime sets up Huining Fu, Puyu Lu, Huligai Lu,Xupin Lu, Helan Lu, Zhao Zhou, Long Zhou and Xin Zhou.As far as the data concerning the subject, Jin walled cities'relics distributed in the above administrative areas are as thefollowing: Huining Fu 225, Puyu Lu within the chinese border 24,Huligai Lu within the chinese border 79, Xupin Lu within thechinese border 35, Helan Lu within the chinese border 47, ZhaoZhou 46, Long Zhou 91 and Xin Zhou 16. It adds up to 563 in all.The number of the super-large-sized walled city, which perimeteris over 7500 meters (7500 included), is only one. The number ofthe large-sized walled city, which perimeter is between 5000meters and 7500 meters(5000 meters included), is totally 4. Thenumber of the middle-sized walled city, which perimeter isbetween 2500 and 5000(2500 included), is 44. The number of thesmall-sized walled city, which perimeter is less than 2500 meters,is 411 in all. The other 103 walled cities'perimeter is uncertain.The main characteristics of the distribution of the walled cityin Shangjing Lu Jin Dynasty within China's border are that theamount of the walled city is large and the distribution in differentregions is uneven. Generally speaking, the walled cities aredense-distributed around Huiningfu city and its surrounding area.The walled cities from Huiningfu City to Heilongjiang River aredistributed less and less sparse, while the walled cities at thesouthern part of Huiningfu City are classified into three groups,western group, dense; middle group sparse; and eastern groupless-dense.The acreage of Fu, Zhou and Lu in Shangjing Lu is ofdifference and the amount of walled cities in Fu, Zhou and Lu isof disparity. So the distributing of the walled city in any givenarea has its own peculiarities.There are six water systems in Shangjing Lu, which areHeilongjiang River, Nenjiang River, Shonghuajiang River,Wusulijiang River, Suifenhe River and Tumenjiang River.Riversides of these are covered with 403 walled cities and thereare 160 walled cities distributed on the area of beyond theseriversides. This shows that walled cities in Shangjing Lu areconcentrated in the riversides parts of the river valley.A road connecting the neighboring two cities is the distancebetween them. By the data such as Song Mo Ji Wen written byHonghao and Records of Xu Kangzong's Journey written by XuKangzong, we find that the distance centralizes from 40 to 60 Li.The reasons for the distributing of the walled city inShangjing Lu, Jin Dynasty within China's border are many. First,the environments influence the distributing. I. Terrain restriction.The distributing of the walled city in perpendicular-structure islow-dense-and-high-sparse. II. The distributing of the walled cityis directly related to the situation of the water resource. The nearerto the water resource, the more the walled city distributing andvice verse. The amount of the walled city distributed on theriversides is 403, which is 71.6 compared with the total number inthis region. III. Accumulated temperature also has certainrelationship with the walled city's distribution. The higher themore walled cities and vice versa. By the large scale, thetemperature of the southern part of Zhao Zhou and Huining Fu ishigher than the northern part of it.Secondly, the walled cities in Jin Dynasty usually continue touse those walled citied in Liao Dynasty by roughly repairing them.
Keywords/Search Tags:Distribution
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