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The Study On "Zheng Yin Jun Yan"

Posted on:2006-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T X HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360155454261Subject:Historical philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Zheng Yin Jun Yan",writen by Wang Li and Wang Yunjia who is WangLi's great-great-grandson , is a book leading intellectual to write rhyme andcouplet with normative sound. The book not only record the northernMandarin,but also conserves a lot of interpretation materials about words andliterary quotations,so Value of the pronunciation and the document can't beignored."The system of vowels of syllable of Zheng Yin Jun Yan "writen byMr.Tang Zuofan is only production on research in"Zheng Yin Jun Yan"atpresent,which Just study on crambo in this book, and the pronunciation materialof the sound note of " Jun Yan" has not been studied. In this text we studiedsystemically two pronunciation materials of " Zheng Yin " and "Jun Yan",analyze the pronunciation phenomenon methodically, Summarize itscharacteristic of initial consonant of syllable,vowels of syllable,tones,whichmade us understand further the evolution to the northern Mandarin in middleperiod of Ming Dynasty.Chapter one: Introduction. This chapter is divided into four sections.Section one :Introduction of two authors, Analyse of the author's writing motivefrom these aspects of historical background , title , book preface. Section two:Introduction of Compiling style and characteristic of " Zheng Yin "and "JunYan",which make your understanding that this book has preliminary one.Section three: Expatiation of the meaning of study on this book from tworespects language and document. We point out that this book has not been paidattention to at present while affirming it's value, and introduced briefly thepresent research production. Section four: Expatiation of the author's thinking ofresearch and methods used in the course of studying, for example: The method ofantitheses of the dialect, the method of the connection,the method of compare。Chapter two:The study on crambo of "Zheng Yin".In this chapter we studycrambo which is the pronunciation materials of "Zheng Yin"form initialconsonant of syllable,vowels of syllable,tones。Section one: Initial consonantof syllable of "Zheng Yin".We analyse the characteristic of initial consonant ofsyllable of "Zheng Yin"by studing relation that initial consonant of syllable andvowels of syllable influence each other in the course of developing inpronunciation.(一)Initial consonant of syllable that need roll up tongue. Has nottotally taken shape yet。(二) [□],[□'],[□]appear obviously.Section two:Vowels of syllable of "Zheng Yin"。We sum up its characteristic on vowels ofsyllable by comparing rhymed words in crambo with "Zhong Yuan Yin Yun"and Modern mandarin. First, the characteristic on vowels of syllable bycomparing with "Zhong Yuan Yin Yun"are : The tail vowel "-m"isincorporated into"–n";The situation of "Kai He Qi Cuo"has take shape;[u?n]vowels of syllable turn into [uan]vowels of syllable in "Huan Huan";[?n]vowels of syllable turn into [an]vowels of syllable in "Xian Tian";[i?m]vowels of syllable turn into [ian] vowels of syllable in "Lian Qian".[iai]vowels of syllable turn into [i?]vowels of syllable in "Jie Lai".Second, thecharacteristic on vowels of syllable by comparing with Modern mandarin are :[ ]vowels of syllablehas not totally taken shape yet. "Dong He San""Zhong HeSan"is still [ ]vowels of syllable; [?]vowels of syllablehas not taken shape.Section three: Tone of "Zheng Yin". The view that entering tone sended intoEven tone has not been see is drawed by corresponding relation between eventone and oblique tone。 Chapter three : The study on sound note of " Jun Yan". Section one : Thepronunciation material of the sound note of " Jun Yan". In this section we putsin order all sound note materials and rejects the error and incomplete , lastlydraws 757 effective sound notes. Section two : Initial consonant of syllable of "Jun Yan". This section is divided into two parts.first, The characteristic of initialconsonant of syllable of " Jun Yan".By studying on relevant sound notes , wesummarizes nine characteristics: Voiceless sound of all turbid initialconsonants have not been all finished yet; "Zhi""Zhuang""Zhang"areamalgamated together; "Ying", "Yu", "Wei", and"Yi"can be replaced each other.Some "Yu"is incorporated into "Ri". "Ni"and "Niang"can be replaced each other.initial consonant of syllable [n] derive from some "Yi". [?]has not appare...
Keywords/Search Tags:"Zheng
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