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The Inherent Logic Of Jurgen Habermas' "Zur Rekonstruktion Des Historischen Materialismus"

Posted on:2006-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360152997924Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jurgen Habermasa is the contemporary great theoretician of Germany Frankfortschool with influence most power, recognized as "criticizing the theory" and newMarxist representative figure .He have deep attainments in philosophy , sociology ,political science language philosophy, explaining such fields, historical science ,psychology ,etc. and is still the important representative figure of this school in thesedisciplines, thought in Germany, " play an important role in each discipline of socialscience ", "most successful instigator". While structuring his theoretical system , heabsorb a large number of latest philosophy methodology achievements, thus make histhought extremely mighty and deepen, therefore represent the dynamics of criticizingthe social theory on a wider theory vision .The achievement of his criticizing the socialtheory then is the social evolution theory, reconstruction of namely historicalmaterialism. Seem then in himself, this kind " rebuilding "the course is "disassemble akind of theory, make up in new form , in order to reach the goal of this kind of theorybetter." His rebuilding inherent logic of historical materialism exist among the wholeideological system then .It seems Marx and Engels fix the historical materialism circlefor historical normal form and "go history of narrating with purpose of system". He setshis own theory research object as philosophy in advance --Sociology is explained andpredicted. Proceeding from this kind of position, he has reviewed historical materialismat first. In his view, Marxism lies between philosophy and science, Historicalmaterialism is a guiding principle of the future social evolution, but it is insufficient toexist, need to rebuild the social evolution theory in associating on the foundation of theCommunication behavior theory. This kind of reconstruction is under a rationalized vision of the world in life. Withthe investigation "social labor" concept criticized., the "producing normal form"reviewed and the productivity and relations of production, economic base and the superstructural relation reviewed, based on Communication among the subjects, associate thetheory the form, regard social integration as the starting point and regard "studying themechanism" as the basic condition to rebuild. This text has exactly investigated such a course. The purpose does not lie in what iscriticized or denied, and lie in passing and investigating, lie in combing out the inherentlogic which rebuilds historical materialism, to finding meanings and route in whichhistorical materialism rebuilds, and the value solving the difficult problem of modernity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Historical materialism, Communication, Modernity
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