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"Role Anomie": The Research Of "Problem Emperor" In Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2006-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360152995089Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Comparing with other Dynasties, the emperors of Ming Dynasty had three remarkable characteristics: Firstly, their thoughts and behaviors tended to be popular citizenry; Secondly, they had individualized characteristic, sough for pluralism self, and had extreme personality which were deviated from emperor norms; Thirdly, they were short of political abilities, and had no incentive to rein the Empire and administrate the government. After discussing emperor norms, we called all emperors who succeeded in XuanZong in Ming Dynasty, who was unfit for his role and failed to finish his duty and obligation "question Emperor". The "role anomie" of "question emperor" was mainly in the following three aspects: neglect his emperor duties and seldom go to the court; ignore sincerity in ceremonies and indulge "oneself in enjoying sensual life. It is worth of further investigating "question emperor", because the quantity and proportion of them were big, they had ruled 75percent of Ming Dynasty in the history. What's more, they came one by one with complicated and various forms. The second chapter of the thesis concentrates on analyzing the reason why there were so many "question emperors" in Ming Dynasty. There are mainly five aspects: First, Dizhangzi succession policy makes only one actor to succeed the throne, and this kind of uniqueness has hindered the virtuous and talented person from succeeding; Second, the imperial family education failed in improving emperor's cultural level, and his abilities of administration were low; Third, living in dangerous environment, emperor had much psychological deformity; Fourth, ancestor's instruction and norm had limited emperor's freedom. The role conflict appears when individuals tried to deviate from role's norm ; Fifth, emperor, civil official and eunuch had an complicated effect in imperial power. The civil official's high expectation and rational advices made emperor estranged and unbelievable, while the eunuch tried every possible means to make emperor happy, which made emperor prefer to stay with them and loss emperor's ambition and duty. The third part of the thesis analyzes the influence of "question emperor". First of all, since "problem Emperor" couldn't judge private things from public ones, they always made things even worst.
Keywords/Search Tags:"role anomie", Ming Dynasty, "problem Emperor"
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