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Style Comparison Of Pan Yue And Lu Ji

Posted on:2006-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360152992876Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lu Ji and Pan Yue were the representative figures of the literature of the West Jin Dynasty, whose works represented the common style of that era. However, they had not the absolutely same writing manners and characteristics, in another word, there were individual differences among the era commonness. It is of some significance to compare their writing characteristics deeply, if we try to comprehend the literature of that era.Predecessors had already said, 'Lu's works are deep, whereas Pan's are shallow.' The first part of the thesis will compare their works around the comment from types of literature, themes chosen, emotional peculiarities and language styles to analyze their differences. Compared from types of literature, Lu had written plenty of works and was expert in variety types, among which he made great achievements in poems. Pan's major achievements was made in descriptive prose and lament poesy. Compared from themes chosen, Pan mostly concentrated on the individual emotion and life as well as the official career, whose thoughts and feelings was narrower than Lu. In Lu's works, he thought rationally from individual and family to the whole society, whose realm of thoughts was wider. Compared from emotional peculiarities, Pan started his views and affection frankly and described the specific persons and affairs, so we are impressed by his deep emotion. However, Lu's emotion was complex and multiple, and he concentrated more on the rational thoughts of life and society macroscopically. Thus, he paid more attention to flowery language and dense images, and impressed others that he was expert in description but failed to expose his affection. Compared from language styles, Pan and Lu both were famous for flowery language, but Lu pursued the elegance and magnificence style more than Pan. Lu's language was elaborate and heavy whereas Pan's more simple and smooth.The writing manner of every writer concerns not only with the taste and fashion of the specific era, but also with the personality and temperament of the writer. Therefore, the second part of the thesis will analyze the cause of their differences from the era fashion and their personalities. The literature of the West Jin Dynasty mostly advocated gorgeous and magnificent style, however, there was a minor clean and fresh fashion at the same time. The representative of the former fashion was Lu Ji, and Pan Yue was the latter. The former was grave and the latter was deft, all of which had great influence on the their works in affections and artistic expression.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pan Yue, Lu Ji, Comparison
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