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Experienced Design

Posted on:2005-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360122499429Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Experience designing is the core of the strategic concept of the experience economy. Experience designing is the first factor for the designer to scan the plane, solid and environmental matters of the designing on the standpoint of designing philosophy. This factor is also to merge the service into the designing. It not only asks for the artistic and technical means, But also demands the organic combination with the marketing, which made designing an effective way for the enterprises to gain economic profit.The article deep analyses the origin , the improvement and the main characteristics of Experienced Design, and put forward constructive advices on the China's current Experienced Design based on experienced economy, experienced design and experience itself .In the new economic field, it may be taking an important roll in our nation's material productive industry and design industry.Chapter One The Newest Idea Of International Design -Experienced Design1.What's experienced economy?Experienced economy is an activity in which consumers are put into the social economic events since the goods are considered as the media , and the service as the means.2.What's Experienced Design?Experienced Design is the design for a subject which is configured in a specified time, place and conception. Beginning from an attractive story, Experienced Design emphasizes the subject or establishes variations according to the subject, therefore, to make it an unique style. Depending on the consumers' interests, attitude, habits, emotions, knowledge and educational levels, the aim of Experienced Design is to make customers feel good in the commercial activity by the effort from marketing, considering goods as the props, service as the stage, environment as the scene. Even by the end of the experience, experienced value stays long in the consumer's mind ,that creates a wonderful memory, a worthy remembering product and the design of the course of a commercial entertainment which is named Experienced Design. The spiritual concept of experienced economy is Experienced Design.3.What's experience?The so-called experience refers to that, a person lives through a period of time in an individual way and gains the worthy memorizing events which happen in the experience. Actually, a person would feel nice as long as he reaches to a specified level on his emotion, thew, intelligence and even his spirit.4.Experienced design is everywhere.The economic mode, which appreciates the design for the experience ,has already been the most important content and form of the economic improvement in the 21st century in the world. It also spread rapidly out of every economic area including industry, agriculture, computer, traveling, commercial service, food and entertainment. Experienced Design is everywhere for the moment.Chapter Two Designed Characteristics Of Experienced Design1.Characteristics in games and entertainments of Experienced DesignEntertainment is one of the oldest experiences for human beings, and is considered as a more advanced and the most popularized experience for today. The characteristics in games and entertainments of Experienced Design are to satisfy the modern life style for which people chase. At the same time, it embodies the regress of the human nature.2.Humanism characteristic of Experienced DesignOne of the ultimate targets of Experienced Design is humanism. Experienced Design focuses on the factor of "Experienced ", human being's physical feeling and metal perception and the result of Experienced Design. In that way, the design of humanism is put forward a lot.The ideas of humanism design represent in the following 4 aspects: chase for the ploy of the product; satisfaction in the demand for the deep spiritual culture; chase for the structure which is more suitable for human bodies; passion for the design for the things of the disabled.3.Relating and participant characteristics of Experienced DesignExperienced economy itself is an open and relating economic style. For...
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