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Research Of Chinese Ancient Dance Education

Posted on:2004-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X ZhongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dance education in ancient China plays an important role in the progress of Chinese ancient dance art; both of them are the essential components of Chinese ancient dance culture. Many studies are focused on the development and level of China dance art, but seldom on the development of Chinese ancient dance education, In addition, few scholars make comprehensive understanding and knowledge of China ancient dance education. Actually, we study the progress of Chinese ancient dance art in a new way; it can help us understand the current dance education well. In this paper, we analyze the dance education action of China ancient different periods one by one, especially on the main characteristics of different dance education; it can help us know the outline of ancient dance education well, and we can catch on the time spirit and see the deficiency clearly.There are three parts in this paper, including introduction, text and epilogue. Introduction part gives a brief explanation of the main reasons to write, and text part includes two parts: the first part analyzes China ancient society basic situation how to influence dance education, and obtains the primary character of dance education, such as the primitive society, slavery society and feudalism society. From educational quality, educational purpose, pedagogue, educatee and teaching quomodo, the second part makes them as a whole system. Based on the historical data, the author presents some new ideas by herself in this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:ancient dance, dance education, dance arts
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