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Plekhanov And The Chinese Modern Literary And Artistic Trend Of Thought

Posted on:2004-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360092995126Subject:World Literature and Comparative Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The most striking characteristic of Chinese modern literary thinking trend is influenced by foreign artistic trend of thought. Especially they were influenced by literary theories of the Soviet Union and Russia. Plekhanov's literary thought has a great and profound impact on our country's modern literary thinking .His strong artistic utility viewpoint and social utility content are in consistent with Chinese traditional literary theories and particular social demands of that period.One important feature of Plekhanov's thinking which was disseminated among China is that it came to be understood and accepted during the process of the violent debate on revolutionary literature.From late in the 1920's to early in the 1930's,Plekhanov's literary thought deeply attracted left-wing theoreticians who yearned for Marxist literarythought. Plekhanov's historical materialism methodology-strong politicalutility nature and class awareness -were treasured and valued by the1020-30's left-wing writers .Plekhanov himself proposed the long-established theory of "Art Originating from labor". During the period of its being accepted, the theoryunderwent variations, ignoring or neglecting Plekhanov's strongly-mentioned the impact of various factors such as religion, war and sex, and so on.Plekhanov had put forward the essence of literary class nature and social utility nature, applying the principle of literary class nature to literary criticism. Influenced by Plekhanov's theory, Chinese proletariat literary theory displayed the following .distinctive features: praising literary political utility nature; stressing literary class awareness; advocating and pursuing popularization of literary forms. The viewpoint of literary utility nature is an element that cannot be neglected in Chinese modern literary theory. But, we had not put our eyes on the Plekhanov's unforced representations about the self-regular of art.The meantime, Plekhanov's analysis and evaluation of western modern art helped the advanced "left-wing writers of new literature" to change their opinion on western modernism literary works, from admission and acceptance to criticism and rejection.
Keywords/Search Tags:Plekhanov, Chinese modern literary and artistic trend of Thought, Influence, Localization
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