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The Horrible Memory

Posted on:2004-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360092985299Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nanjing Massacre is one of the most representative incidents in the atrocity of the Japanese militarist invading China during the World War II. In the unprecedented massacre, the dignity and spirit of all persons suffered seriously, and the mental shock caused by this kind of severe wound to survivors continues to postwar, even to today. There is no doubt that their life experiences are important evidence, with which we study history and survivors themselves. For us, it is probably the last chance to listen respectfully to their stories about life experience when the Death comes close to survivors. We have duty to investigate and record the life experience of the survivors from Nanjing Massacre, to preserve (he evidence of history, to attach importance to them, show regard to them and study them from the aspects of human nature and humanism and civilization.This paper takes the concern of this "minority group", namely survivors, as the starting point, and expounds the life experiences of the typical cases of survivors chiefly according to some archives and author's investigation materials about the 39 survivors of Nanjing Massacre. Also the author integrates some theories and methods of sociology and psychology to the analysis of three kinds of style about survivors' sclf-rcpairness: the difficult restoration, the reluctant restoration and the closed restoration, and attempt to provide a new angle of observation, namely how to look on survivors who has lived continuously in fear and bewilderment, how to comfort their wounded spirit and undergo the tribulation to continue their lives. Then the author hopes to arouse care and love for survivors in society. The memory of survivors is not only their personal experiences, but also the evidence of history. The human society should regard it as a common wealth, which guides mankind towards the forthcoming peace.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nanjing Massacre, Survivor, Self-repairness
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