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Study On Verbs In Lun Yu

Posted on:2004-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y ZhongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360092495095Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper mainly studies the verbs in LuriYu based on the grammar and semantic and explores some developing characteristics of verbs which start from Pre-Qin Dynasty. This paper consists of four parts:Firstly, the general situations of the verbs in LunYn. There are 498 verbs in LunYu. The 468 monosyballic verbs make up 94 per cent of all verbs and have absolute predominance. The 30 polysyballic verbs just make up 6 per cent of all verbs.Secondly, the research of the grammar of the verbs in LunYu. It includes four parts:grammatical category of the verbs, the situation of verbs serving as sentence elements, a few special verbal compositions,the structures of polysyballic verbs.There have been chief grammatical classifications of verbs in LunYu but some modal verbs and special verbs haven't been independent from basic and common verbs. The verbs in LunYu mainly act as predicate of the sentences and they can also serve as subject, object, attribute, adverbial of the sentences. The sentences in which verbs act as complement can't be found in LunYu. The special verbal compositions are made up of verb-verb compositions, noun -and-pronoun-simultaneously -be-object-and-subject compositions, dual-object compositions. The categories and inherent structure of the verb-verb are complex in LunYu. The type of noun-and-pronoun- simultaneously-be-object-and-subject compositions is simple. Especially, the first verbs focus on the verb ). The number of verbs which have double objects is small and there is not thesingle-object compositions which have the same meaning as the dual-object compositions.There are only compound words in the polysyballic verbs but no single morpheme words in it.Thirdly, the research of the semantic of the verbs in includes categories of the semantic, distribution of items of meaning, orginal meaning and means of extending the meaning of words, synonyms and antonyms.The verbal semantic in LunYu is all-inclusive. The one-meaning verbs almost make up 70 percent of all monosyballic verbs. Polysemous verbs are mainly of two or three items of meaning. The original-meaning monosyballic verbs are over 50 per cent of all monosyballic verbs which indicates verbs in LunYu retain an ancient meaning in high degree. It inherits characteristics of the preceding stage and is the developing base of the latter periods. The synonym and antonym of verbs are rich,and the relations between synonym and antonym are complicated.Fourthly,comparing LunYu with WuYveChimqiu. We can find the trace of verb inheriting and verb developing from Pre-Qin Dynasty to Han Dynasty through comparing the verbal structures, items of meaning, synonym and antonym in the two books.In short, the verbs in LunYu are abundant and their usages are flexible. They can provide us with plentiful data to study vocabularies of Pre-Qin Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Study
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