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Investigation Into A Brief Biography Of A Deceased Person

Posted on:2003-04-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J GaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360065956197Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
in ancient China,a brief biography of a deceased person was a style of biography, and it had changed in the long period of time. This graduation thesis puts forth effort in sorting out the data of the ancient books, and tries to reappear the original state of a brief biography of a deceased person. In the first part, the thesis discusses the ancient and modern novel to speak of the questions in the study of a brief biography of a deceased person. In the original part, the thesis researches into the origin of a brief biography of a deceased person, and reappears the transitional stage in its developing period. The most important is the investigation into the brief biographies of (he deceased virtuous person. In the functional part, the thesis probes into the development of the style function in the different developing period. In the Tang Dynasty, the style of a brief biography of a deceased person fall into a pattern, and in this structural part, the thesis analyses the cultural intension in the writing content. In the developing part, the thesisgeneralizes the development of the article and makes asummary in terms of theory. In the comparative part, the thesis compares a brief biography of a deceased person with Historical Biography and Epitaph, and grasps the basic characteristic of the style. In the ending part, the thesis briefly describes the developing trend of a brief biography of a deceased person in the Song and MingQing dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Investigation
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