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A Freudian Psychoanalytical Interpretation Of Wuthering Heights

Posted on:2003-09-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360065955898Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Emily Bronte (1818 -- 1848) is one of the most f8mous f6maIeEngIish writers. ln her short life, Emily wrote only one novel -- WuthehagHebotS. However, she was so ahead of the Iiterature of her time thatreaders didn't understand her work untiI haIf a century since thepublication of her novel. For more than one hundred and fiffy years,Wuthering H6botS has been interpreted from various angIes. Sometheories of literary criticism have helped readers understand more aboutthe noveI and the writer.One of the most important theories of literary criticism is FreudianPsychoanaIysis, which provides readers with a novel method to interpretIiterary works. ln this thesis, an attempt is made to anaIyze the theme ofWutheFing H8botS by virtue of Freudian Psychoanalysis.The thesis is divided into four chapters.Chapt6r One is the introduction to the thesis. ln this chapter, thepurpose Of this thesis is written, some part Of Freudian PsychoanaIysisis briefIy introduced and some different interpretations in the past arebriefIy stated.Chapter TWo is given to the cIose ties betWeen EmiIy's Iifeexperience and WUthehag HebotS.Chapter Three, fOcuses on the psychoanalysis of the theme ofWuthering H9ight8 -- a profound meditation of Iove and death. InWuthering HebotS, Emily Bronte reveals her subtIe understanding ofhuman Iove and death by means of demonstration of different love anddeath of the characters.Chapt6r Four is a briof conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Psychoanalytical
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