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An Analysis Of Chinese Toponomy From Language And Culture

Posted on:2002-12-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360032450453Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis presents an analysis of toponomy from language andculture two perspectives. The language of toponomy,the surface oftoponomy,deals with the characteristics of toponomy displayed inphonology,semantics and rhetorics.The toponomy are special for theiroblique and flat tones,doublt-syllables and comparative lag. As one ofthe heated topics favored by the researchers, the semantic tendencyrules are induced in data statistical way in this thesis. It is also aviewpoint in the chapter of toponomy semantic to study the sensedevelopment of the toponomy based on the ralationship of Ming &Shi .The same place with different names and the same name fordifferent places are the typical examples for inconsistence of thetoponomy. Toponomy are named by ways why they are so named. Inthe chapter of types of toponomy,according to the reasons for naming,all sorts of toponomy are induced in order to further probe thecommon ground and differences between ancient and presenttoponomy. As one of the parts of the Iexical system of Chinese, thetoponomy naturally have close relations with the active rhetoric,so thestudy on the reationship between toponomy & rhetoric is consideredas one key to further study the rhetoric on toponomy.Culture of thetoponomy is the deep structure of toponomy. The exploration of it leadsto the reveIation of the traces of poIitics, economy, military affairs andreligions. In a word,this thesis attempts to probe and study toponomyfrom Ianguage and cuIture,from ancient times to the present withmulti-dimensional and developing points of view, which is of someimportant significance fOr both linguistics and culturology.
Keywords/Search Tags:toponomy, phonology, semantics, rhetorics, sorts of toponomy, cultural connotation
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