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Personal Modernization--the Spirit Of Social Modernization

Posted on:2001-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D J ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360002952835Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The problem of the personal modernization can be traced to the Renaissance,but it started actually in the period of the English Industrial Revolution.There has been more than three-hundred- year to this day. But this process has not been finished far, no matter in the West or East. It is very important and actual in China,especially at the time of exploiting the West China and realizing! he four modernizations.Because of personal modernization having wide-ranging factors, this writing deliberates synthetically underthe guidance of Marxist philosophy, involving in philosophy .sociology, education, economics and histories, to make it more systematize.This writing defines strictally the meaning of the personal modernization in the way of Marxist's definition at the is that personal concept and personal thought-style would be fit for the pace of social modernization, or even go beyond it,personal quality would be improved fully,the behavior corresponds to the need of the modern society, social and personal relationships get coordinated growth.The feature of modern person can be summarized to seven points below: 1 )openned mentality, who is apt to accepting new things; 2)subjective initiative, who can give full play to the initiative and reative; 3) proper values, who can uphold social morals and bewilling to draw different reward according to the skill level; 4)advanced thought-style, who can grasp factual essence and its law of the development; 5) personal quality are developed in general;6) active behavior, who can pay special attention to his own efficacy and working efficiency, make a planned life and work; 7)coordinated social relationship.The contain of personal modernization includes five sections mainly: l)personal concept; 2) personal thought-style;3)quality; 4)behavior; 5)social relationship.These sections are dialectical and centralized entirety.Among them,personal concept and thought- style moderinzation is the premise of personal moderization, with qualital modernization at the core, the behavior and social relationship will be the external manifestion.Personal modernization is the spirit of social modernization, thereare three causes: The first, personal modernization is the premise of social modernization. Personal modernization is an important part of social modernization, and if personal moderinzation are not realized,manpower resources can't get exploited and utilized, plenty of natural resources would not transform to modern productive forces;or maybe natural resources did get exploited, the bloom of economy would be transient; As the same, if personal modernization can not be realized,the social resources imported, for instance, the system, the goverment institution, thegovern-style, etc, are all outer form,can't be provided with the moving vitality. On the contrary,-3-if personal modernization is realized, the country would become one ofthe modern powerful countries in the world, even lack of natural resourses.The second, the personal modernization is the motive force of the social modernization. The society is made of three partsrproductive forces.production relations and superstructure. The three part' interactions impulse society developing. Therefore,produtive forces, production relations and superstructure become three motive forces of social modernization, and personal modernization is the back motive forces of such three motive forces.Forthermore,personal modernization is combined strength of social modernization.The third, the personal modernization is the aim of the social modernization. The aim of social modernization is to improve personal quality, meet personal demands , enhance the degree of personal liberty. There are important historial and factual sensein our countny.Emphasizing on personal modernization didn't mean to neglect the reverse side of social modernization. They are the two individed sides of the modernization procedure. No one is more important. These two factors are supplem...
Keywords/Search Tags:Personal Modernization, Social Modernization, Spirit, Manpower Resources
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