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The Study On The Thoughts Of Yuan Xie

Posted on:2012-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330338494382Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yuan Xie, who was living in the eastern area of Zhejiang province, was one of the influential ideologists, politicians and educationalists in the Southern Song Dynasty. As an outstanding descendant of Lu Jiuyuan, a master of the mind ideology.Yuan Xie was known as a member of the"Four Gentlemen of Siming"for his achievements in promoting such theory to the reality. His mind ideology and the military-political thoughts were always in a reciprocal relationship. Therefore, it can be said that the former was the philosophy guidance of the latter and in turn, the latter was the practical embodying of the former.As an official in the central government, Yuan Xie beared a profound insight on national affairs and on the sufferings and livelihood of people, which not only broadened his horizon but also gave him a more practical view. Moreover, his mind ideology was closely related to social affairs, especially to the political practice. Such distinct realistic feature represents the significant trend of Lu Jiuyuan's mind ideology. Meanwhile, using of the mind ideology to justify political thought and to guide the military-political affairs was the most significant characteristic of Yuan Xie's social ideology. In this way, we can say that great contribution was made by Yuan Xie to the application of mind ideology to the political ethics.The mind ideology and the military-political thoughts of Yuan Xie were the product of his time and it had a direct correlation to his official experience and life experience. This mind ideology expanded the theory of Lu Jiuyuan and his military-political thoughts were always bursting with the patriotism and national spirit. All in all, the thoughts of Yuan Xie had a positive meaning at that time.However, Yuan Xie's theory was limited by the time, class and himself. For example, strong theological color can be found in his ideological system. At the same time, he believed that the national reform and prosperity mainly lay on the monarch himself, which, obviously, was unrealistic and unworkable.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yuan Xie, the mind ideology, the political thoughts, the military-political thoughts
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