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Study Of The Structure "bei(被)+x"

Posted on:2012-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330332998431Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The structure of"bei(被)+X"is a new style of language expression. This paper researches this structure based on Three Plane Theory,Structure Theory and Cognitive Theory. The content of this research includes the comparison of"bei(被)+X"structure and conventional"bei(被)+VP",the"bei(被)+X"structure's Generative mechanism and Realization mechanism,Semantic features,Pragmatic effect,Popular reason and so on.First,we compare the structure"bei(被)+X"with conventional"bei(被)+VP",we hold the grammatical meaning of"bei(被)+X"structure is direct parties have encountered the X event under circumstance of unkowning or unwilling. And in this premise,we furtherly expand that the speech parts of X are Intransitive Verb,Abject and Nouns,and point out that"bei(被)+X"structure can serve as many syntactic constituent in sentences. The emotion of"bei(被)+X"structure is the reservation of conventional"bei(被)+VP".Second,we have clearly analyzed"bei(被)+X"structure which is the main body of this mainly includes: the"bei(被)+X"structure's Generative mechanism and Realization mechanism,the"be(i被)+X"structure's Semantic features,the"bei(被)+X"structure's subjectivity.The"bei(被)+X"structure is not only the result of the metaphor of our society but also the conceptual blending of our mind.The structure has realized because economical efficiency rule wins particular rules in Chinese Language."be(i被)+X"structure is from our life,and the contradictoriness of social event decided the contradictoriness of"bei(被)+X" on the Semantic features"be(i被)+X"structure are the union of control and uncontrol,agent and patient.The union showed the sympathy for the person.Third,We analyse"be(i被)+X"structure on the Pragmatic.although the format of"be(i被)+X"structure is short,it can convey abundant,profound content,and highlight the unresistance of X event .Fourth,we discuss reasons which make"bei(被)+X"structure popular.More and more social issue and economical efficiency rule of Chinese Language and the mechanism of reason of analogy and the metality of aspiring novelty and convergene are the main reasons to make"bei(被)+X"structure popular.The function of language is to express thought and to reflect reality.It is still norm when a new language phenomenon ,in some context, gets good pragmatic effect, even if it's combination goes against the inherent language rules. With the increasing number of social issues, " bei(被)+ X" structure will frequently appear in our sight.
Keywords/Search Tags:"bei(被)+X", structure, cognize
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