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Studying The Phenomenon Of Verbal Humor

Posted on:2012-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330335454757Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
We can feel a sense of humor all around our life. Good interpersonal communication skills, remarkable comedy effects, unexpected results of communication all connect with humor, and has become the most commonly used human speech acts. Humor not only literary works; also exist in the comic, sketches and other forms of sound. With the development of our society and technological advances, it has been filled in the whole Internet world and gradually formed a unique style. It is a powerful communication tool, as our "good friends" It not only makes our lives easier, but also protects us as a form of "weapon.'Humor is our uniquely ability. It creates humorous effects from both surface means and the deep means of words. In the Performance of language, by studying examples of voice, vocabulary, syntax, rhetoric and Chinese characters we can figure out different form of language can create the verbal effect of humor. In the hidden levels of meaning in language -the use of language and the meaning of language, through analysis of a large number of examples to find further theoretical cause of the verbal humor and restore the true prototype of humor and clarify the positive is due to people's perception of their world, different language environments so subjective and objective factors make the same phenomenon will result in a different sense of humor humorous effect.In the case of selected literary works mainly in written form, comic, sketches and other forms of sound, and the many humorous instances of popular web as a research information from multiple dimensions of verbal communication in the sense of humor to analyze the phenomenon, as far as I can to restore the formation of the linguistic comprehensive, detailed. In a large number of supports from mature theory and examples, we can get an ultimately summarized as follows:effect of verbal humor, not only limited by the influence of linguistic form, the deeper extent limited by the background of the constraints of human cognition and affect. Whether the language form or the construction of the context according to the human cognitive processes, both of which are complementary in terms of the verbal humor, the lack of one of those the effect of humor will be greatly reduced.
Keywords/Search Tags:Humor, Language, Pragmatics, Semantics, Cognize
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