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The Establishment And Maintenance Of The Discourse Relation In The Verbal Communication

Posted on:2012-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L QiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330332997176Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Verbal communication, the most important form of interpersonal communication, is the interpersonal connection and communication through languages which can seen as tools of communication. There are many different relations between speakers and hearers. The object of the dissertation is the communication relation formed in the process of communicating behavior, which is called discourse relation by us. , which is written by Lv mingchen, said:"There are 3 relations in verbal communication behavior: social relation, which is formed by consanguinity, career and geography; emotional relation, which is formed by the approximity of subjects' psychological relation; discourse relation, which is formed in the process of communication by real subjects." Based on statements above, we can conclude: 1, discourse relation lies in verbal communication; 2, discourse relation is the actual communication relationship composed of social relation and emotional relation in the process of verbal communication and is influenced by them from the start of the discourse relation; 3, discourse relation lies in verbal communication in dynamic forms. The 3 conclusions above is the foundation and starting point of the dissertation.The structure of the paper can be described as below:The 1st chapter is the introduction part. We make a review of the related researches and a short introduction to the paper's value and the source of our language material.The 2ed chapter makes an introduction to the discourse relation which can be divided into 3 categories: centripetal discourse relation; centrifugal discourse; vertical discourse relation.The 3rd chapter discusses the establishment of discourse relation. Firstly, we discuss the elements which are influential to the establishment of discourse relation. Then we analyze the patterns of discourse relation in the perspectives of strangers and acquaintances. The 4th chapter put the emphasis on the starting part of the establishment of discourse relation from the points of strangers and acquaintances. They have their own characteristics in the establishment of discourse relation . They have different patterns and appellations in the beginning of the discourse. The establishment of discourse relation is more salient through our analysis and comparison.The 5th chapter discuss the tactics of the establishment of discourse relation. We start it from the elements influential to the establishment of discourse relation: 1, the tactics of choice for subjects; 2, the tactics of choice for environment and timing; 3, the tactics of choice for form and content of discourse.The 6th chapter discuss the maintenance of discourse relation. We analyze the maintenance of discourse relation of different types. Then we discuss the way to maintain discourse relation which can be divided into 2 situations: the maintenance of an initial subject; the maintenance of a new subject in the process of transmission. At last we discuss the inharmonious elements in the maintenance of discourse relation: misunderstanding, quarrels and silence.The 7th chapter the tactics for discourse relation maintenance which are mainly cooperation principle and politeness principle. We analyze the effects on the discourse relation maintenance both in the obeying and disobeying situations.The last chapter is the conclusion of the dissertation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Discourse relation, Establishment, Maintenance, Tactics
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