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The Specialty Of Chinese Logic

Posted on:2012-12-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W WangFull Text:PDF
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The specialty of Chinese logic is the properties, the characteristics and development law of ancient logic in China. It has been a new studying area and also a sideview on the comparative research between the Chinese logic and the foreign logic since the mid-20th century. The comparative study of logic in 20th century emphases the process from the sameness to the differences. It has been a new study in logic history by comparing the ancient, western and India logic, which helps the spread and development of the Chinese logic. This paper emphases the differences while paying attention to the sameness through the comparative research methods and unfolds the original and the characteristics by exploring the inherent unique nature of ancient logic in China.The full text is totally divided into five parts.Part1 The universalities and the particularities of the logic. It simply introduces the logic as a science which studies the form and law of the thinking. It belongs to the whole mankind and it is universal. But logic, as the outcome of a certain history, has the concrete history condition of its creation and development. and thus this makes the definitely special nature of the logic. It is known that Chinese logic is different from India logic and Greece logic. Thus, the ancient logic in China has its particularities under the influence of Chinese nation of the age and the local area.Part2 The logic particularity research achievements in China since the mid-20th century. This part mainly introduces the scholars have gained the achievements on"notion","proposition","saying""three things","reasoning and comparison"and"debate"in Chinese ancient times logic, from the microscopic theory research and reveals the logical inherent special characteristic in the Chinese ancient times.Part3 The special concretely characteristics of the Chinese logic. This part mainly elaborates the special points of ancient Chinese logic system under the impacts of specific race tradition and specific history condition from the macroscopic aspect. They are concretely the mutual contacts between the ancient logic in China and the political ethics theory, the ancient Chinese logic focusing on the contents,but making light of form, thinking analogy reasoning logicallyas the fundamental reasoning logically form and name and debate as its reacher centre, including dialectical thinking in ancient logic so forth. part4 The analysis of forming resons of the Chinese logic. The part mainly discusses the impacts of the ancient social environments,scientific back ground and culture tradition, language habits and mode of thinking on the ancient Chinese logic in order to get the discrepancy between the Chinese logic and the foreign logic.part5 The inquiries into of meanings of the specialties of the Chinese logic .This part discusses and summarizes the meanings to the understanding different logic traditions, the development history of logic and the comparative study of Chinese logic and foreign logic of the Chinese logic specialties.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Chinese logic, Specialties, Research achievements, Characteristics, The analysis of forming reasons, Meanings
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