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On The Aesthetic Principles Of Traditional Yunlei Wen And Its Application In Modern Design

Posted on:2011-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D H MoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330332485036Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yun Leiwen the form of the traditional patterns various times in the community has demonstrated a unique charm, from its origins the author summarizes the development of pattern formation and development of Yunlei Wen natural conditions, and showed the original life of the ancestors positive attitude towards performance and the survival instinct look forward to a better lifeYunlei Wen Qi Yuan Xuan in maintaining the basic principle of the pattern, producing a wealth of changes, and at different times have different performance characteristics, it is not Shiling of dignified, decorative objects to bring the vitality and add to our lives the aesthetic. The enduring charm of the ancient patterns of various objects not only occupies a pivotal position in modern design also occupies an important position.The author summarizes the aesthetic principles of four Yunlei Wen, from the perspective of modern aesthetics Yunlei Wen have aesthetic value and long-term vitality made some analysis Yunlei Wen aesthetic value to the modern design brings visual enjoyment and the spirit of on baptism, but also to designers who bring a range of design thinking.Yun Leiwen figure in modern design can be seen everywhere, the author mainly describes the style in modern design Yunlei Wen advertising, packaging, signs, furniture, and other aspects of the application. Reproduce both the shape of the traditional elements of style, but also show Yunlei Wen and the combination of modern design techniques to bring people to the performance of the new visual effects, Not only the traditional elements of modern designers of mining and innovation, but also reflect the value of the traditional elements of the rich, to show people Yunlei Wen abstract modern aesthetic value of ancient, modern design showcase its unique charm.
Keywords/Search Tags:YunLeiwen, Principles of Aesthetics, Modern Design, Modeling style, Yunlei Wen Culture
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