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An Analysis Of The Special Characteristics And Literary Function Of The "Abras Gar" Dance Form

Posted on:2011-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q D J RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330332470001Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Abras gar is a popular Tibetan folk singing and performance art that began as a form of dance and, during the course of its development, has followed a closely related path with prehistoric Tibetan Bon ritual dances. Following the development of society, particularly during the 7th century reign of Songzaiganbu, texts were created for the performance and the name Abras gar appears for the first time. By the time Chisong Dezan began her career, the art had already attained a high level of development and her performances have become a popular expression of the folk art for the Tibetan people while simultaneously maintaining the performer's own unique value, as such they have significant cultural and literary meaning.General outline:The first chapter introduces the various historical development trends of the Abras gar dance form, as well as different locations'different names for the dance form. The postures and movements, as well as singing and speaking vocal styles of the performers, are also described along with the general content and linguistic and emotional characteristics of the original texts for the performances. Ideas are put forward for the concrete origins of the name "Abras gar" of which tradition holds that gar is derived from dkar, meaning "white".The second chapter explains how Abras gar is a music-based art form combining spoken and sung performance that, from a literature-based perspective-possessives unique literary as well as cultural functions. It is a product of a specific time and place that has continuously been adapted and changed in order to meet the needs of the needs of contemporary society. As such, it is an important component of the cultural life of the communities that created it. It is both a source of leisure and amusement and esthetic value, essential ingredients for daily life, nurturing thoughts as well as labor. In addition to exploring the above, the author also analyzes the educational role Abras gar plays in promoting social harmony, intertribal peace, and cultural preservation. Abras gar has been passed down through the ages, continuously adapting to the changing times. It belongs to no particular era, but rather has evolved in step with society, providing its own unique cultural functions to every age.In Chapter Three, the author presents the literary aspects of Abras gar. "Literary aspects" here means the unique personality and organic integrity that the author of the original texts created in the work, as well the unique beauty and creativity shown in the language structure that provides audience with esthetic enjoyment. The artists of Abras gar are time and place-specific creations. They not only unceasingly absorb cultural influences from every aspect of society, but in their performances is the sweat and blood, passed down through history, of the unknown authors of the original texts. This paper analyzes the ways society, the Zeitgeist and folk culture, is reflected in this art form, and also explores literary and esthetic ideas about Abres gar. The emotional impact and linguistic symbolism are researched via actual, real-time performance, and the art form's literary style is explored from the angle of esthetic appreciation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Abras Gar, Art, Literature, Effect, Feature
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