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Annotation And Stuy Of Xuedaoheng'works

Posted on:2011-12-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330332465502Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
XueDaoHeng is a mainstream of Sui Dynastry poet, and he is one of the delegates of the BeiChao literary climax after WenZiSheng,XingShao and WeiShou. His literateurs'style is unique , which has the unforgotten value on the literary history. This paper annotate twenty-one poets and eight articles,and then stuy XueDaoHeng and his works.This paper try to study the family education of XueDaoHeng'works on the point of view of Family Culture. HeDongXue'family education and atmosphere is advocating exquisiteness and studying confucianism which is formed on the WeiJinNanBeiChao,and then which became the famous family and literary family.The ancestors advocate confucianism ,study hard , honor parents and are friendly.These good moral charater and training affect their offsping,and bring up XueDaoHeng . XueDaoHeng'literature thought and creation commence BeiQi.The style of poet converse undering the situation changes of political environment and the culture fusion between North and South.We can find the trace of the fusion between North and South literature.XueDaoHeng get the North and South literature stuly well combined,so his works reflect both the simple ,unyielding and hammer style of North and the delicate and pretty style of South.But he does not remain on imitating North or South.Every manifestation contains his unique emotion,so the works get a new style of writing which is sad,cold and gorgeous but not worldliness.
Keywords/Search Tags:XueDaoHeng, Annotation of works, Study
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