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The Analysis Of Wb/dfid Tb Control Project In Changchun

Posted on:2011-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H DengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2154360332457315Subject:Public Health
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TB(Tuberculosis, TB) is an infectious disease which is harmful to human health seriously. Pulmanary TB is the most common in clinic. Now there are 2 billions of people infected with TB in the world, TB has already become an important problem in society. China is one of the twenty-two countries in the world, the number of active trberculosis , only is behind India. WHO advocated the tuberculosis control plan which was held from 2003-2009 in Changchun, in order to control the serious epidemic of tubersulosis. This project improved the ablitity of TB prevention institutions and decreased the mumber of patients and the rate of infectious of TB and the death of TB. It is considered to be the cheapest and the best way of serving peoples health. Now this project already have been done, so we evalutated the effective of this project which was hold in Changchun.Odjectives:To Changchun project implementation to analysis, summary of the project in the city of tuberculosis prevention and control planning and implementation, to further improve the system of prevention and control of tuberculosis in Changchun City, at the end of the project planning of the entire city of tuberculosis prevention and control measures for the sustainable development of the proposal.Methods:A retrospective analysis of the methods adopted for 2003—2009 Changchun TB prevention agencies at all levels of the quarterly and annual reports of patients found few, fate and supervising the management of patient information, financial statements of loan capital and matching funds data, as well as project implementation 7 years of statistical analysis. Use statistical information SPSS12.0 describes the analysis.Results:(1) Changchun City has a total of 10 counties (cities) to distinguish the batch start Project 2003 project coverage of up to 100%. (2) 2003-2009 the city of tuberculosis prevention and control at all levels in the bodies of newly diagnosed patients reception 157343 cases, in which tuberculosis patients, patients with source 34616 cases primarily direct to tuberculosis control agencies meter 20724, the total percentage 59.87%, tuberculosis control registration smear 21285 cases. Since 2005, the State each year to Changchun MXP smear found the number of tasks, Changchun City in each of the 100% found the number of tasks completed and the registration number, 2005-2009 new smear of registrants to 13843, task completion rates 108.7%; smear registration rate from 31.36/10 million increase to 43.53/1O million. Which new 16684 cases, 78.4%, categories, 4601 cases 21.6%. Cases of tuberculosis patients in men than women, mainly concentrated in the age group 15-55, 77 per cent. 2005-2009, the city on the registration of new smear-positive tuberculosis patients by medical staff organization or family members who are trained to conduct the whole steering, steering treatment 13778 cases, General report and the whole steering 99.5%. 7 years, 2 months of chemotherapy with sputum negative turns 19944 cases, overcast 93.7; cured smear 20944 cases, 91.5% cure rate. (3) During project implementation, extensive training and health education, 2003-2009 the City Organization training period, 25227 404. By the end of 2009 the city workers ' qualifications and titles of reasonable structure, Bachelor is growing rapidly, college education change not obvious, secondary school and the following degrees downward trend. Title distribution to junior and senior professional titles, rose significantly, intermediate title changes not obvious, the junior title following a downward trend. Adequacy of infrastructure construction, with project funding support, districts of tuberculosis prevention and control institutions equipped with microscopes, x-ray machine, steering the car, computer, biological safety Cabinet, incubator, and other equipment, which improves the ability of tuberculosis prevention and control.(4)2003-2009, the World Bank loan/UK grants to implement 673.81 million RMB, the city's total implementation of matching funds 1178.74 million, all project funds total 1852.55 RMB, average case cost of cure for 966 RMB.The main arguments and by:Under the various districts of different conditions, trials and then complete the startup project, in line with the actual situation in Changchun City, is to ensure the smooth implementation of the project.In patients found:(1) Strengthening implementation of the referral system is to improve the rate of the important ways that patients with tuberculosis comes to the agencies, but 32.42% of patients in other medical institutions in treatment of other diseases or medical examination and referral, found in this part of the referral of patients accounted for the total number of 1/3, needs attention non-tubercular referral medical institutions. (2) Implement newly diagnosed patients check sputum and radiological examination is found smear of the main tools, 2003-2009 sputum positive rate at 11.4%-15.7%, chest x-ray check exception rate at 26.0%-34.1%. (3) Government attention and perfection of the TB regulatory framework is an important guarantee for the success of the mansion increase administrative intervention, provides a more adequate counterpart funds, and the establishment of a referral reward system. (4) For high risk sex groups and age management is the focus of prevention and control of tuberculosis and its focus on man, 15-24 years, 35-44 and 45-54 years old three age groups.In patient care management: (1) The whole steering treatment management is to enhance the effective tuberculosis treatment, significantly increased sputum overcast and cure rate. (2) TB control project contribute to the detection and treatment of the infection, so that the whole steering ratio, the cure rate also has a stable upward trend. (3) Standard chemotherapy regimens and harmonization of evaluation is to measure the effectiveness of standards, the project addresses the past there is no uniform criteria, the evaluation system for objective and direct, workable.(4) Projects on TB control policy development and the Government work has a positive effect. (5) Project to improve the prevention and treatment of anti personnel satisfaction, so that the laboratory capacity and enhanced hardware level, health education content to promote the control of tuberculosis. (6) Projects with high economic efficiency, with less effort to achieve a higher output. 7 years, restore personal direct loss, social direct loss and indirect losses 3277 million, 1.6 billion and 2.7 billion RMB.Conclusion:The results of project is very well, we reach the goal to have a higher detection rate and the cure rate and we also achieve the 100% of DOTS coverage. The abilites of anti personnel and grassroots tubercular institutions infrastructure is improved, health promotion, and working to achieve the anticipated target has achieved remarkable social and economic benefits. In the project design and implementation of regulatory work needs to be strengthened, Governments need to further increase investment in order to ensure continuity in the work of tuberculosis prevention and control.
Keywords/Search Tags:tuberculosis, WB/DFID TB control project, the effectiveness analysis, Changchun City
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