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Risk Factors Analysis Of Myocardial Infarction

Posted on:2012-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Diakit MoctarFull Text:PDF
GTID:2154330335967164Subject:Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This study was to identify the risk factors of myocardial infarction based on a real data set from Abbas Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) and Combined Military Hospi-tal (CMH) Muzaffarabad (Pakistan). The risk factors considered here include age, blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, blood sugar, obesity, family history and deaths in young in family. Bivariate analysis and logistic regression were applied along with different good-ness of fit test to identify the significant risk factors. We found that age, smoking, obesity, cholesterol, blood sugar, family history, were all significantly associated to myocardial in-farction in this data set, while deaths in young age in family was not significant. It is also found that age group≥60 years has the highest prevalence of MI, and the prevalence re-mains high in smoking, obesity, family history, and cholesterol too. Finiteness correction results were the same conclusion for the three methods in our case.
Keywords/Search Tags:Risk factors, Myocardial Infarction, Heart attack, Logistic regression
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