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A New Creation Of Saccular Aneurysms In The Rabbits In Using Elastase

Posted on:2012-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C MaFull Text:PDF
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Background Intracranial aneurysm(AN)is a localized dilation of a cranial artery resulting from weakening of the artery wall and increasing of internal pressure The incidence rate Is O.2 to 1 AN is always one of the important diseases to study in neurosurgery because the uncertainty of rupture and the high morbidity and mortality after rupture To investigate its morphology pathology and evolution an reliable AN model is needed to be established to study its hemodynamics pathophysiology treatment etc The ideal AN animal model should have the following characteristics (1)the same or similar with the morphological or pathological features of the human AN (2)relatively stability of morphological structure and good repeatability (3)convenient and efficient of the making process and low cost (4)appropriate size of AN to make observation and operation easier(5)thrombosis does not occu r in AN and parent artery during the experiment and AN is not easy to ruptureRecently various AN models whose morphology is similar to that of human have been established in many species including mice rats rabbits dogs swine sheep andprimates Because any existing animal model can not completely simulate the biological characteristics Of human AN , more efforts should be made to investigate a more appropriate model This study established saccular aneurysms model in the rabbits using pancreatic elastase and then tested it through femoral artery angiography and Hematoxylin—Eosin stainingMaterials and methods (1)Nine adult New Zealand white rabbits were assigned to the experimental group and three to the control group Anesthesia was induced with intramuscular injection of pentobarbital sodium (15 mg per kilogram of body weight)The experimental group of rabbits received 20 U of elastase to create an elastase—induced saccular aneurysm at external carotid artery while the control group geted PBS liquor Aneurysm morphology was assessed with digital subtraction angiography at day 3 and week 3 (2)Hematoxylin—Eosin staining All the rabbits were killed with injecting overdose pentobarbital sodium Aneurysm in the experimental group and the external carotid artery in the control group were cut and put into 10 formaldehyde solution 48 hours later we used 0.01 M PBS to wash them for 3 times and fixed them in neutral formalin solution for one week Then we used alcohol dehydrate it,embedment slender semithin section The samples were observed with microscope after HE stainingResults (1)Saccular aneurysms developed in all nine animals after elastase application The mean aneurysm were 5.0 +1.20mm 3 4±O 70mm and 3 2±0 53mm in height width and Parent vessel diameter.resPeetively in day 3 and 5.12士1.24mm,3.46+0 .70mm and 3.2士0.52mm respeetively at the point of 3 weeks There was no signifieantdifferenee(p)0.05)between the above time points The eontrol group did not form anyaneurysms(2)Hematoxylin一Eosin staining shown that at the top of the aneurysmseavea,naseent endomelllbrane formed,the wall of the aneurysmshyPerPlasy,inflajnmatory eell infiltrated.And Part of the samPles shown thatthiekening ofthe wall of the aneurysms and throlllbus organization formed In the eontrol grouP,theright external earotid artery stumP was bung with throlllbosisConelusion:1 It 15 eeonomieal and feasible to establish saeeular aneurysms modeliflthe rabbits using elastase 2.The morPhology ofAN model 15 similar with that ofhunman,whieh was eonfirmed by DSA 3 The model has the following features:high Sueeess rate,eonvenienee,high survival rate,and similarity with the Pathology of the human ICH4 The model ean be used for the researeh of endovaseular treatment and hemodynamies...
Keywords/Search Tags:Aneurysms, Animal MOdel, Elastase
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