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Clinical Analysis Of 41 Cases Of Renal Tuberculosis

Posted on:2012-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N FengFull Text:PDF
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Objective: To explore clinical charaeteristies,the principle of diagnosis andtreatment in the renal tubereulosis,and to Raise the level of diagnosis andtreatment of renal tuberculosisMethods: Retrospective analysis of the medical records of 41 patients withTRenal tuberculosisT admitted to our hospital from 1990 to 2010.These patientswere divided into two groups, one group 15 patients,the bilateral lesionsgroup, which change as "the contralateral hydronephrosis renal tuberculosis"。the other group,contains 26 patients, the unilateral lesion group, whichchange as "the ipsilateral hydronephrosis renal tuberculosis(contralateralkidney,contralateral ureter,bladder are intact on iTmagingT) " .All patientsunderwent surgery and have pathological support, and exclusion the case thatHydronephrosis by other diseases caused .Reviewed and analyzed theserecords,which included the morbidity of renal tuberculosis,age range,characteristics of the clinical feature,urine analysis,urograPhy and treatment. ResultsT: Two groups of patients are aged 31 to 50 the highest incidencerates,and no significant gender differences in incidence. Compared with patientswith bilateral lesions,the group of Patients with unilateral lesions have TaT TshorterTThistoryT, and are not Trelatively easy toT TfindT TaT TpreviousT Thistory ofT TTB infectionTToutside theT Tkidney,T Tthere were significant differences,In both groups the mostcommon clinical symptoms were mainly urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria,hematuria and lumbago, symptoms become increasingly complex.T TTwo groupsofT TlaboratoryT TurineT, serum TTBT Tantibody detection, ESR andT TimagingTTabnormalitiesT Twas highT, but TTBT TdiagnosisT Trate is low,T Tthe difference was notTTstatistically significant.T TAll patients underwentT Tsurgery.Conclusions: TThe progression ofT Trenal tuberculosisT Tcan stayT Tat differentTTstages of development,T Tand becomeT Tdiversification.T The contralateralhydronephrosis renal tuberculosis often occurred in later period of renaltuberculosis ,Tthe ipsilateral hydronephrosis renal tuberculosis more commonoccurs early and middle period .The T lTatter isT more Tdifficult to findT TaT TpreviousTThistory ofT TTB infectionT Toutside theT TkidneyT, and has Ta shorterT Thistory. TUrineroutine examination, serum antibody test Urinary acid-fast bacilli and ESR areimportant indicators of the diagnosis of renal tuberculosis. TB-tyPeultrasonograPhyT, KUB + IVP TandT TRP are stillT Timportant means ofT Tdiagnosis ofrenalT Ttuberculosis .T TMRI and CT diagnosis are important supplementary meansof the diagnosis of renal tuberculosis.,and CT may become the main imagingdiagnosis method of renal tuberculosis In the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:TRenal tuberculosis, THydronephrosis, CTlinical characteristics, TDiagnosis
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