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A Comparative Study On Pig's Kidney Renal Artery Ligation With Commonly Used Methods In Laparoscopic Surgery

Posted on:2011-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X GuoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Background and purpose:The application of laparoscopy in urology began in the late nineties of the last century. Perhaps at the beginning of the invention Everybody thinks it is just merely a new exploration to the surgical method, No one expected that it brings so huge impact of the development of urology. However, in recent 10 years, the development and application rate of laparoscopic surgery can be used only to describe the ever-changing. Now in Europe and the United States and some other developed countries, especially during kidney nephrectomy, when choice the surgical method, the first method to choose the proportion of laparoscopic surgery has been more than half. During in laparoscopic surgery, renal vascular treatment is the key to a successful operation. With laparoscopic surgery experience is gained, the researchers designed an endless stream of renal artery ligation device, But different surgeons in laparoscopic surgery in the treatment of renal blood vessels and methods are different. In China, titanium clip, and hem-o-lok clip of new blood vessel ligation in laparoscopic equipment has been widely used in laparoscopic surgery. In foreign countries, ENDO-GIA or ENDO-CUT, and Wacker ligation lock (hem-o-lok clip) is the more popular choice. We're trying to assess the pig's kidney sample tests to simulate laparoscopic nephrectomy in renal blood vessels of several most commonly used treatment methods (silk ligature, titanium clips, Wick ligation locks, ENDO-GIA or ENDO-CUT) tolerance to stress conditions. Method:Because the pig's kidney are very similar not only in size but also in macro-structure with the human's kidney. In obtaining specimens is relatively easy, so we decided to use fresh pig kidneys as the research objects for testing. Remove from freshly slaughtered pig kidney samples (with renal artery), respectively, The renal hilum dissection of vascular structures was cleared out in order to ensure the integrity of the renal artery, To retain an adequate vascular length of the inserted manometry device, select the test where there is no branch arteries, and the approximate diameter of the specimen. The specimens were randomly divided into four groups, each group selected eight specimens, One end of each specimen using a closed test equipment, pressure measuring equipment and access to the other end with silk thread fixed, uniform through the renal artery injection of normal saline, simultaneous determination of intravascular pressure changes until the emergence of leakage and recorded by measuring the data to simulate the clinical assessment of renal vascular ligation of the various methods of stress tolerance of the situation.Results:All of the experimental group were not leak under 300mmHg in physical conditions. Silk ligature, and hem-o-lok clip, even in the higher pressure of 800 mmHg also not leaking, But there is one cases of ENDO-GIA30 (2.5mm) in about 650 mmHg pressure had occurred leak. The other case of titanium clip at about 400 mmHg pressure leaked.Conclusion:All devices participating in the experiment under physiological conditions are able to close the renal artery without leakage occurred, indicating they are in the normal use of the surgical procedures is safe and effective. This conclusions are the same to the actual clinical work. The eight cases of hem-o-lok clip is closed the pressure of the renal artery may be beyond 800 mmHg. Under physiological conditions indicates that it and the traditional surgery knot are equivalent. However, one cases of titanium clip and 1 case of ENDO-GIA30'failure also shows that there sometimes exists the potential risks.
Keywords/Search Tags:laparoscopic, nephrectomy, renal artery
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